I just ordered one of these. I hope like hell It's quiet, that's my biggest fear. Click on the link below. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0004447410255a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntt=
I used to have a EFA quiver, well built quiver but I just couldn't get used to a bow quiver. That one looks nice! Steve did you order it from Cabelas??
Damn am I ticked Joe!!:mad1: I didn't notice that Kustom King had the Selways, I just looked now again but some how missed It the 1st time!!
It 2 different quivers isn't it??? http://NS1.bowsite.ORG/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=6&User_ID=1133145&st=3585&st2=51901200&st3=-66840145&Product_ID=190&CATID=7
The price Steve:d I honestly can't see $$$$$$$$$ they are asking for them. You should have got Zach to make ya one I think they are the same.
Shoot, if you think they are proud of theirs you would croak if I told you what I would charge. :d :evil: J/K
Spendy they are! I needed a different quiver quick being I plan on having some new arrows lined up with In the next week or so. I'm not going to bare shaft anything till I have a quiver mounted on my bow. My old one would work but I want something different and also one that holds a few more arrows then my other one. This Selway holds 6, my old one holds 4.
Steve I just got mine in today. Bought one off a guy on AT for $55 with an extra foam insert and lower gripper. The extra gripper was a life saver cause the one that was original would not hold my FMJ arrows. All is good though with the spare he sent. Mine is not the slip on though, it is the removable. Have not had a chance to get out and shoot with it yet. I will give a report once I get a chance to shoot with it. Bobby