I suffered from wanderlust in my younger years and spent 8 months without a schedule or destination. I traveled the country and really enjoyed myself. I didn't have much money and would stop and work here or there for a week or two at a time. When I started getting broke I would ask for work at small town churches. I explained that I didn't want charity, I wanted handy man work. I worked hard and for a reasonable wage. I used the first job as a reference for the second and my base of references grew from there. A pastor at a small church will generally accept the recommendation of another pastor after a call is made. It was 8 monthes of my life I wouldn't trade for anything.
I think we've reached a consensus for you, LOL! If I don't get a phone call from you in the future announcing you're a couple days away and headed to my house, you're gonna get it!
i'm tellin ya, if I could go back and do it again when I was single, you bet your @ss i'd be doing exactly what you're talkin about... I'd take about 3-4 months and seek out some places... hunt/fish things I've never done like Elk, Grizz, 'bou, moose, etc... of course it would all depend financial ability to do it... virtually impossible to do now, wife, 3 kids, mortgage, etc... but if you have the ability to do it now you won't be able to regret not doing it when you're older and tied down...
Just remember when you become a vagabond, you must give yourself a cool new hippie name. It's a must. If I was to go on a hiatus, I would got to another country for a year. Experience other cultures. But traveling around the US would be cool as well.
I'm too much of a homebody to go for months on end. Now weeks or a month, YES! In fact, if it weren't for having to buy TWO roundtrip airplane tickets to Alaska (already have hunt planned for August), I would have spent my entire summer in Anchorage with two buddies that went up May 16th through July 21st (still there). They have been fishing, bear hunting, kayaking, mtn biking, wildlife photographing, sight seeing, and volunteering in a hospital for a good reference when they come home (later for med school). I would have KILLED to go up with them, just couldn't afford it this year. WHEN I head over to New Zealand for a hunt, I plan on taking about 3 weeks and just taking it all in while there with no worries or rush.
I kinda went on a hiatus for 17 years, traveled the world. Good thing I got paid for it! I say if you can afford it and have the will to do it, go for it. You'll regret it if you don't! Have fun brother, if your up this way give a shout!
That's pretty dang close to what I want to do... If at some point I need (or want to) I could work at a coffee shop, work for a farmer, bartend, handyman... whatever. I've been lookin' for trucks all day :D
as long as you have a laptop with wireless access to BH.C, I'd say go for it...Might even get your own Forum Heading
I think about it. My sister and I used to dream of getting a boat and raping and pillaging our way around the caribbean like pirates. Well, kind of. :d Anyhow, she went and got married and all settled down. Currently I have a job that allows me to work from any place that I can get an internet signal. I don't have hours I have to work, I just have to get my work done in a timely manner. Sometimes I'm working at 1pm, sometimes 1am. It rocks. I really don't take advantage of the freedom of the job like I could/should. Maybe I would if I had the list of folks offering me places to hunt/crash like you do.
Except for the whole unabomber thing, I wonder if Ted Kaczynski didn't have the right idea. A small cabin in the mountains and just forget about daily worry's.
Back in the mid 90's I was forced out of the Marine Corps for a spell by the force cuts.... My wife and I were on Okinawa at the time and thought about just island hopping for a spell. We didn't and I regret it. We were young, no kids and and a ton of cash in the bank. Now I am old, kids and no cash in the bank... do it and have fun
Dub, my best friend in the world (Hunter Jeff) did this one summer just outta HS. loaded up his truck (old beat up toyota stick shift) and hit the road! he went from MN to FL, FL to CA and back to MN. a few of his highlights included: -clipping his toenails while driving -holding ice on his dog's head while driving thru TX,no AC -sneeking in Yellowstone and other state parks just before they closed and sleeping in the back of his truck the ENTIRE time! -side note- i call him Hunter Jeff for a reason... he makes fun of me cause i use a compass and cant find my way by the stars, was photographed once in the Boundary Waters for how he rigged up his canoe, pack, gear etc. and saw it at a outdoors conference on "how not to brave the outdoors" and later featured in a magazine! and lastly convinced me when we were 12 and 13 to spend the night in the woods.... we were found by a WI DNR chopper 15hrs later with my family not too happy with us. this is the same guy who got tired of walking all the way back to the truck (mile and a half) during deer hunting in northern MN so just pitched his tent by his stand and stayed the week of rifle season! his dog has NEVER ate dog food, eats what he eats and raw venison if its lucky. last thing i want to add about why he is the way he is and his hiatus.... kid looked death in the face at 16 with Leukemia and told the Reaper to "Get the hell on!" missed a year of school, withered away to nothing. said to me in the hospital... "If i ever get better im gonna do EVERYTHING in this life." Dub, if this is what you wanna do.... DO IT! might change your life.