Most of us have probably seen a picture or three, of a buck with some type of multi-point antler on one side with a single long point on the other. Has anybody ever seen a mature two pointer?
Two years ago I passed on a nice old 5 and a half year old the farmer called Ted. The body on him was very impressive and I immediately knew he was mature as he trotted toward my set. At about 40 yards I notice he was a HUGE spike! He was an old spike buck that never grew anything more than spikes, but with awesome mass to them and about 18-19" in length, but they curved like parenthesis ( ) I quickly did and still do regret the decision on passing him!
Here is a pic of what is believed to be his off spring, just so you can get an idea. This was taken the same year I passed him, but a little ways down the road in the neighboring town.
He's an odd ball for sure. I like the one side, how it's bladed. He wouldn't be legal in Pa though, so that buck would die of old age if he didn't get hit on the road.
Every once in a while you just find a buck that doesn't have the genetics for a big rack you'd expect on a mature buck. My dad killed a 4 year old out here 2 years ago and he was only a big fork. He just wasn't ever gonna be more than that. I'm not sure what genetic trait is related to antler growth but every so often you find a buck that just doesn't have the right genetics.