Our outdoor season is starting this weekend with a local 3D shoot and game dinner. I really just can't wait to get outdoors and am glad to be done with paper, it really gets boring for me by this time of year. I setup the bow last week for 3D, and I'm shooting it absolutely awesome right now. Shooting my 08' Constitution this year, the same bow I used for indoors, but using a different rest, sight, scope, and of course arrows. Dropped the poundage as well compared to my rig last season, and I'm about 3/8" shorter on DL too and I'm holding like a rock. I'm only shooting 56lbs right now but I'm shooting it awesome and still getting 293fps even with a 315 grain Pro 22 (35 grains over IBO). Our annual indoor vegas league always wraps up with an indoor 3D money shoot for our last night of the league. I shot tonight. 27 targets to 25 yards max, with mixed sizes of targets from the Rhinehart Mosquito, to Rock Critters, a puking gobbler, and a mix of medium sized to large targets. It's all so close that it's really an X shoot, but still fun. Scoring is counted as a 10 for the X, 8 for the 10 ring, 5 for the 8 ring, and a 0 for the body. We also placed 1/2" orange dots just a hair smaller than the x-ring on a vegas target on the butts of a few targets, and made them worth 20 points each. Miss those though, and you get a zero. I ended up shooting for and hitting 3 of the orange dots, and shot 23 out of 27 X's and took home $100 with first prize for the night. :d Can't wait for this weekend to get out and actually start judging some yardage, should be a beautiful day in the mid 50's and mostly sunny........it's just gonna feel really good to be back outside. Anyone else gearing up for outdoors? Anyone already shooting? What are you going to shoot this year for 3D?
Yeah. THey don't like my area. I never see any on there. I know there is usually one at this really cool outdoor place near me, but I never find out until afterwards. I don't go for score or anything, just fun.
Hopefully I get out and shoot some with Rob and Ben. I know Montour will be starting up their monthly shoots soon, as well as Bloomsburg. Not sure how many I will make it to, but I want to try my hand at a few at least.
Matt, (MGH) we are headed to Benton for an outdoor shoot on Sunday afternoon. Just let me know. It'll be the first outdoor of the year for us and my first outdoor period. I can't wait. I agree Matt M., it looks like a great weekend. Saturday I am gonna get the rest of the area that we talked about cleared. I have it about 3/4 of the way done now. Just wait until ya see the before and after.
I've been shooting a lot around here too. It's an every weekend thing now. Sometimes twice a weekend. I guess you could say it's taking me over. Lol.
We're having our third shoot of the year this weekend! The range is a work in progress since it has been dormant for about 3 years.West Texas can eat things up and turn back to a pit,pasture,crater,whatever it was in the beginningWe have a decent supply of Mckenzies to work with but hard to get folks involved in cleanup and work on the range!Memebership is growing and with time hope to have some good numbers showing up.We are just a prize club and fun shoot setup right now but maybe next year we can have some prize money and have some hog/javalina hunts to win!
If you would quit hunting goats you would have that range in check by now! I need for you to get it in shape so I can come down there :d and take your money...
a little........ I took last year off completely but I missed it. I really enjoy walking a course to see what the next target holds. I will do it more for fun this year. possibly some competition.....ease back into it. Still have the wife and kids to think about ;p Wife mentioned she wants back into it too.
Hopefully, we are going to make a few more this year. (my fault) This year the wife isn't 7 months prego, so there's a better chance I am sure.
Im really wanting to start shooting this year, But im having big problems finding places to go and people to go with.