Yep, I was telling him how slow my morning was so far as he tells me the birds were going crazy up there. Can't wait for the pics.
Yes sir, Rory. I indeed shot a turkey this morning... Uploading pics now...just got him cleaned up and in the freezer. I had more of you yahoos in my phone than I thought...I just hit the bowhunting group in my phone and sent it off. Sorry if I wrecked your beauty sleep Will, the lord knows you need it :evil:
Not feeling the Love...I didn't get that Text? :d Your lucky I was already up, today was supposed to be my sleep in day....6:41 is late enough I guess. I got premier status I guess, my phone says 6:39. Let's see them pics.
The only way to get me a message other than land line is tieing a note to a pigeons leg. Congrats again Kyle.