Its that time of the year in most areas and I know it is one of my addiction. Ducks grab my attention after the rut til Feb. Here is the results of two of our hunts this week, a good lil wood duck shoot with us getting our two man limit The river hunt, we shot down 6 total, but only found three, other ones got away somehow. A surprise group of Green Wings came in on us and I managed to take out a pretty lil hen
I love to hunt waterfowl almost as much as whitetails. We didn't have the rice like we normally do this year up at camp, due to all the rain. Only got out once and shot 5 mallards, but no pics. Here's a few pics from years past.... Rice field before opener in 2006. A look from above. The light green in the distance is rice. My carpenter with his "Canadian camo" on. My boy Copper with a 2 man limit of 12 mallards. Jill and Copper with a nice greenhead.
Back In the day I was hooked on duck hunting big time but the last 6 years or so It's taking a back seat due to my job and hunting whitetails. I will be back at It again sometime soon though, I miss It terribly!! Season closed here the other day I believe.
I've only had one chance to get out so far. We shot one. I'm too busy focused on whitetails right now. We just got a bunch of birds in with the cold fronts that just pushed through, too bad it's in the middle of the two week break!
Trust me, you pick up a gun and youll be hooked, and then you find out rather quickly it costs as much if not more to hunt them suckers as it does a deer.
I used to duck hunt quite often, but there just arent the birds in Minnesota like there used to be. Now pheasants have taken over for ducks and I cant see myself looking back.
5 Years ago duck hunted all of Oct. every year but Minnesota duck hunting is so poor no need to pay all that money to shoot "a" duck. Besides after I connected with my first trophy whitetail I was hooked forever.