Is anyone shooting the new blood runners? do they shoot like a field point? how are the blood trails? im thinking about switching to them
wow, Id say they get the job done! gonna have to get soem tonight before i head for the woods. that is a gaping hole the make too wow Discount on the heads dude. Did you have probs with the rage heads?
yea shot them last season. me and two other people all had the same problem. when we got a pass through all was good, but my buddy shot a nice 9 pointer last year made a great shot. (I know i shot it on video) followed some blood for somewhere around 50 yards then it went to pin drops then shut right down to nothing. My uncle shot the biggest 8 pointer he has ever seen quartering away stuck in off shoulder the buck ran like 40 yards and stopped then walked away like nothing happend when my uncle got to where the buck stood he found a pool of blood about the size of a softball and that was it. He is he biggest most reliable bowhunter I know so I know what he says is ture.