www.decoysled.com Seen these at the NWTF convention last week. I thought it could have its place. Might be a pain to set up but we will see. I made my own version as not to infringe on paten rights. The websight has videos you can check out. They had B-Mobile mounted on it at the show.
I like it. It does make sense, minus the fact that you gotta move to make it move... *Ding* <{Lightbulb}> Decoy sled with tracks. A quiet electric motor... Someone? I would dig that idea. My uncle made a motor set, and electric eye that follows tape on the ground, for the 3D leagues he shoots on. THey put the 3D turkey on it. Now it just sits there, and spins around on the tape line. Like a real bird does. lol.
I have already checked in Indiana and anything remote controled or electronic in decoys is Illegal. It has to be manulated (string)) Movement is what im looking for but not the kind your thinking :d I already get by with using a decoy that the tail goes up and down on, and you have to move to pull the string. Movement is minimal, and what im anticippating is using it when birds are hung up at a distance, when they close its arrow time :d From my experience, a lifeless decoy doing nothing on a calm day dosent have the best odds of fooling ole long beard. The tail movement and real wings attached to my other one gets there attention but I just like experementing with new things seeing what works the best. Ill let you guys know how it works out.
They need to make the heads move a little. Everytime I have ever seen a turkey, its head was twitching, or turning, DOING SOMETHING!!! i agree with the tail going up and down though, that is nice to have I bet.
This could be done, they have a bobble head decoy that has a bobble head. I think it would be awesome on the sled.