They had some real nasty weather down there yesterday. Lots and lots of ice, trees and power lines down everywhere. I sent him a text and got no reply.
I haven't heard from him in a while either...We got hit really bad as well. Half the county and most surrounding have no power for a while now...we are lucky in that we kept our power. Trees down caused much more damage than the ice in our case. BUT, as for the cellphone, I am willing to bet his service is out. Our cell tower "froze up" here, and no one had cell phones from 10 am to after 10 pm, and most landlines were down as well. He probably is just iced in like most folks around here...its been a mad rush to get what kerosene is left around here....
John, Im still alive :d We did get some nasty ice and snow here the last cuple of days. The kids are out of school for the rest of the week. Im real lucky to be one to have power around here, being i live in a very rule area. Alot of people we know are without in my county and in surrounding countys. As for receiving the text,, well my cell has been im my truck for the last two days I havent checked it :d Thanks for caring though My game cam was a mile back a quad trail, and i retrieved it yesterday. I like to never made it back with the deep snow even though i was on my quad. There are frikin trees down everywhere. I have been a giant kid for the last two days :d Its been bon fires and sledding :d My frikin calves are killin me from all the hill climing :d TEMBRY, I think Ky got more ice than us, you are lucky to have power, but im glad you do!!
We got our first measurable snow of the season from this storm. 8" at my house. No ice luckily, we dealt with enough of that a few years ago. Hopefully I can get in some fresh snow scouting today. Glad you're doing alright crick and Trevor.
That's what you get for living in the sticks!!:d Glad to hear you're alright crick. Have fun sledding.
Weather has been crappy up here as of late as well. Just got hammered by that last storm and its comming down in sheets once again. Best year of snowmobiling that we have had in a long time though! :d
I didnt realize how bad a few of these counties have it. I live in a fairly large city for our area (60k people approx)...and it is now packed to the gills with people without power at home..surrounding counties are SOL. Authorities in Muhlenburg county estimate it will be over a MONTH before every house in the county is restored its power. Edmonson is atleast 2 weeks away from making it there, and currently 80% of the county is powerless right now. We have alot more staff working our county, and there are some in ours without power still. We haven't heard from TFOX or Grizz, and they are both in areas that got absolutely hammered...I wouldn't be surprised if they are powerless right now.