Currently running with a goat, usually do though. I will let the beard go about mid October if I haven't shot a buck yet as to be able to pay off on VA's thread.
I've grown mine out for the season. Of course if I don't put a buck down by Oct 31 then I have a bet to settle up on and it'll be gone. Since somebody on this site won't let a thread die. :D
I wish. I couldn't grow one if I tried. All I can muster is a goatee. I would like to at least sport the "scruffy" look, but I'm supposed to be a "professional" at work. Which is a joke.
I can grow a pretty nice beard, but when I have anything other than a goat at work I have to wear a beard net, which blows. I might just take one for the team and grow it out anyways, i just look so bad ass.