I was just wondering if there was anyone out there still hunting deer. I still have 20 days left and I just might get my limit for the first time ever.
Yeah, it's always good when the season is in. It's been in the low 80's here lately so, I haven't gone out. Just doesn't feel right to fire up the thermacell yet. I plan on hunting hard toward the end of the week supposed to cool down. Hope I get one so I can have venison thru the summer months.
Season ended Jan 1 in GA and Jan 11 in TN (I hunt both states ) I'd love to still be hunting. Just curious but when does the season open in VA?
Most states stop in January. I guess they really want us to thin the herd here. I'm not complaining 'cause I can't think of anything more fun than flinging arrows at deer. Here's the info on our Urban Archery Season: http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/hunting/urban-archery.asp For the city of Danville (where I hunt) you can hunt the whole way thru. You don't have to stop in October and resume in January. U can hunt the whole 7 months in the city.
I get that same thing from time to time. I gotta give a little to get a little to keep things from getting here:smash: