I know a few of you are Blackberry users, but any of you using the Storm? How do you like it so far? Any issues with the OS lagging/locking up? How's battery life? I played with one for a while and I have mixed feelings. My fiance and I are coming to the end of our 2yr plan, and we're considering jumping on the buy one get one free deal going on now. I may opt for a curve or bold, though. I really like the iPhone, but I'm not making the switch to AT&T for numerous reasons (including our 21% company discount).
I don't have it but my dad does. He likes it and has not had any complaints about it. I've messed around with his and I didn't notice any OS lag or lock up. I can't speak about the battery life but he has never complained about it. Personally I have the iPhone and wouldn't dream of having any other phone now. :d
There is a new Storm in the works with a different touchscreen and improved menu functions from what I have heard. There will another Blackberry that still has traditional Blackberry keys dropping soon called the Niagra.
Yeah, I've heard that as well. Most said around June/July for it to hit stores, but who knows. I'm liking the looks and feel of the Curve a bit more than the Storm, though.
I've had one for about 2 months now and although it does a lot of what I need it to do, I have mixed feelings about it. The battery life is terrible (maybe 1 day) and after I had the phone for about 1 month, it got to the point that it wouldn't do anything, including answer a call. I took it back to Verizon and the tech tells me I should do what's called "pop the battery". That's right...I'm supposed to remove the battery every one to two days so it can reset it's application memory. WOW! And to think they call it a Smartphone... Some high tech piece of work it is...:d With that being said, I can't wait until Verizon gets an iPhone in their stable...
I have the Curve and it works great. It has minimal issues and gets the job done, I will be getting a Niagra when they drop though.
There have been talks, we are looking to get the next big device from Apple instead of the same ole iPhone. They are a pain in the butt to deal with though, so time will tell.
Hey Matt, I have the storm and yes, I've had all of the problems that Bowtech_shooter mentioned. Then I lost it while turkey hunting a few weeks ago. The first replacement they sent was a refurb and locked up on me within 24 hours. After going in to a Verizon direct location and explaining my frustration, they gave me a new one and explained that yes, they are not without their problems, but neither is pretty much anything of first generation, with that kind of technology. They said that there had been 28(?) issues that were worked out since the release of the Storm and had one new update coming soon. I've had my new Storm for nearly 3 weeks now and not a single issue with it. That said, the Curve is always a safe way to go.
also worth considering are the Palm Pre (when available) and the Google phone... I've played with early versions of both and they are very cool... i have a Curve, but that's only cuz work provides it... if I was buying today I'd probably have an iphone...
I love muy Curve. My suggestion for ANY Blackberry is get a hard cover and keep it out of your pocket when your outside in the heat. The BB's don't like butt sweat:d
One thing I like about the blackberry is you can give someone your "pin" and talk through blackberry messaging instead of texts messages. I really saves if your plan has a limited number of texts.
Yeah, I've heard the popping battery "trick" seems to be a common issue for people with this phone. I'm actually liking the Omnia a bit more now since it has a lot of the features of the storm without the clickable screen (including Wi-Fi capability), however I think I'm still a push button QWERTY kind of guy which is why the Curve seems appealing. I will have to play a bit with them all and see what I really like. Raceway, it sounds as if you work in the industry. Any word on a release date for the Storm 2?
I am a call center manager over an internet Customer Care group for VZW. Here is the latest word on the street. http://www.engadgetmobile.com/2009/...o-carry-palm-pre-storm-2-in-about-six-months/
I have a Storm. Love it. I really like the screen and how it was put together. I have an OtterBox for hunting season