Today kicked off the season for several states and I was wandering if anyone seen any good bucks?? or better yet took a good one! Post pics too...
Didn't even get to hunt the opener. My buddy and team mate killed a nice 8 pointer in velvet that completely snapped off his G2. It also has 8 scoreable kickers I am told. I haven't got to see the video or pics yet, but I was sure excited for him when I got that text. 30 minutes into his season and he is officially done...and for some reason I am jealous of that! lol
I would hate to have my season end in 30 minutes. I would drive to another state to hunt whitetails if I was over that quick. I love the pursuit and dreams of a monster walking past my stand.
30 minutes...screw that! He better be a freakin' monster freak daddy! But to each his own. I guess it doesn't have to score 200 to be a trophy to some.
If a "shooter" buck by my standards walks by 30 minutes into the hunt, he is certainly getting an arrow.