no street riding for me, but lots of dirt roads thru the yrs, im a wuss when it comes to speed or tricks/jumps! i've dumped a few times but nothing other than picking gravel outta myself..
my wifey just gave me the thumbs up to start lookin for a bike... she set my budget (she's paranoid like that) and I've found that budget to be perfectly acceptable for a nice used Harley... I'm lookin for a late model Road King in the 02-06 range... probably look to purchase it around end of may or first of june... i'm pumped, I haven't had a bike in my possesion (other than rentals) for about 7yrs now, go figure my oldest kid is 8yo so you figure out why i've been without... effin BROKE with 3 young uns... :D
I live in the sticks, so every time Im on my bike I keep an eye out for hogs and deer. Two years ago, we were ridding the Hill Country and a deer ran out in front of us. My buddy hit the deer and broke both legs, back, and arm. It was not pretty. The worse ive hit has been possium, skunks, and racoons. I go with the old notion; If they are lower than your pegs, aim for the middle of the animal. If they are higher than your pegs, pray. Ive had more problem with cars in the city than I have had with animals in the country. My worse wreck was when a Suburban drifted into my lane and hit my wife and I. I dont remeber nothing of the crash. All the other, I can recall every moment.
which is another interesting statistic not related to motorcycle deaths... there are more single bike accidents than there are bike vs car accidents... and the majority of those happen on backroads as you mention... city driving has a higher fatality rate but backcountry riding has a higher accident rate... go figure...
SevenMag... I'm about three days away from putting mine up for sale... Can't help you if you're dead-set on a Harley, but could save you a bunch of money probably :d Mine's a 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic LT with hand-picked leather saddlebags, seat and backrest that all match... maroon and gold two-tone, floorboards, windshield... the works. Belt drive, best I ever got out of her was 51 mgp, but 49's more realistic. Just put her 5,000th mile on her a week or so ago. I'll probably let her go for about $6,400.