I'd be a definite maybe. Forgot all about firearm tags this year. Had to put in for second lottery since they won't be doing OT sales this year (thankfully) Not sure when second lottery drawing is, think application deadline is 6/30. While my best chance at a buck will be with the bow just because the peak rut generally falls just before 1st gun season, being a 2 buck state any thing is possible.
I'd most likely be in! Really wasn't wanting to fire the boomstick on my property...but one shot one kill shouldnt cause to much of a ruckus!!
Yeah, after the lackluster seasons of late and all the dead deer being found they reacted. Closed a few more late season counties and ended OTC sales. I feel pretty good about it, put in for a single either sex tag. Morgan County has had plenty the past few years when the OTC's came out.
If you make a gun contest for the love of everything holy.... Please get a subforum and don't ruin the water cooler.
Can a Mod give me a call on this? I think muddling up the Water Cooler would be a bad idea, so .... Fitz? Justin?
Figured why not just bump the old thread instead of start a new one - Sounds like you have it covered.