Not sure it is appropriate to talk about those here Tom... even in the cooler... ooooohhhhhhh......... you meant the kiddos!!!! Sorry carry on
Can I come hunt lowly whitetails on your place?? This was the last year for me to hunt on 'my' public land in IL. So unless I keep imposing on Mueller and some other friends, I'm out of whitetail places. I suppose I could go the outfitter route... but I'm cheap. :D
I would do it I just never shoot anything with the gun but could be fun. For all the gun haters it's about hunting who cares as long as it's legal.
I'd invite ya but the last time you said you were stopping by you stood me up.... had a hot meal waiting for you and everything. I dont think you even waved as you passed....
Please for the love of all that is Holy make a subforum for this so the last good forum on this site isn't ruined with 10 gun contest team threads taking up the feed.
Perhaps a stretch, but it's tough to wade through many of the posts on the other pages anymore. The water cooler hasn't hit that stage yet.