Yes.. I am one. And yes.. I'm home on a Friday night baby-sitting my pup. I've gotten so lame with age.
Don't feel bad friend. I'm home going over mortgage paperwork and figuring out a "budget". Damn responsibility. :mad1:
At least your wife didn't ditch you to go to the city like mine did. That makes 3 Fridays since we got this pup just 4 weeks ago she's been gone. She wants kids now... HA! I'm soooo gonna make her pay in October.:mad1:
Atta boy, bank those points for when it counts. I've been doing favors and sucking up to my mother in law to take care of my babysitting duties this fall.
Not at all.. not at all.. But it used to be alot more fun when I didn't have an ulcer. I can't do this for at least another 4 weeks. Which makes Fridays less fun. But I have seen "The Dark Knight" twice tonight and introduced Cali to her first frog in the backyard. I was also invited to the high school party that's going down right now a few doors down.. that was different. What was this thread about again?
Duke, the reason I ask is I have a device that will cut the cost of running central air and the furnace by at least 50%. I'm still testing it and wondered how hard someone in the business thinks it would be to market.
Right now.. efficiency is the "cool thing".. so chances are good you can market it well. The EPA is in our industry's face nearly every year with new laws to cut down on both energy loss and pollution... so.. if you truly have something that will cut costs by 50%.. you might be in for a real treat..$$$