Tony I should have added that I was being completely sarcastic lol. I'm the first to congratulate people on ANY deer. As long as they're happy, I'm happy!
can i be honest. i really hate these threads that say because you hunt (think) a specific way it makes you wrong. as long as you are following the law do what you wish -not only in hunting but in life- and NO ONE should tell you other wise. we are all different some will shoot spikes and button bucks because they want to, others shoot 150" and up. some meat hunt ONLY someone do BOTH. since my rant is over i will say this. this year i will try to makes knife handles out of the sheds i find. i need a pair or rattler antlers also.
At least a few here have a sense of humor regarding the post. REALLY??? So what you are saying if you EVER shot a doe, that proves you are not a good deer hunter too? Anyways, at least a few took the thread as a bit humorous as far as asking for a recipe. As far as the rest, I was not referring to any certain person, even though some seemed to take it a bit personal. My apologies if you were a bit upset after reading my original post. To clarify a bit more, the original post was meant to be funny as far as the recipes, and also to remind people that hunting is not ONLY for big monster bucks. Our forefathers hunted for food and I bet they used every bit of the deer that they could. Yeah we kill the deer, yet by using every bit that we can, we are respecting the animal we hunt for, and that is the best way to describe what I said earlier. I knew some would take it the wrong way. I have a feeling that those who seem to resort to name calling probably would not be so brave in person. _DANNY_ If you happen to make some knife handles, would like to see the pics when finished. Matt
Killing a mature buck is alot harder than killing 2 1/2 year old bucks. The old bucks are wiser and IMO more sportsmans-ly to hunt. The "antler hunter" as you call them lets small bucks walk by all day. Not based on the fact they are small but based on the fact they are constantly walking in! The old, wise, elusive bucks require a higher form of hunting. Hunting isnt just making the shot, it's in the scouting and strategy. Big antlers = Older bucks = Smarter bucks = Harder to hunt = greater the achievement
you got it! i am trying it for the first time come shed huntin season lol. i am going to post a thread come that time when i'm done.
Bigger antlers don't equal older bucks/smarter bucks/being harder to hunt/greater achievement. WAY more factors come into it than that. Plus, what is a great achievement to some, may not be to others.
I agree with DANNY. Any type of legal hunting is all the same in a way. As long as the meat is getting left to rot meat and trophy hunting are basically the same and neither is more ethical or what ever then the other. Waiting for a wall hanger and shooting the first deer you see is the same in my eyes.
IMHO an old doe is just as difficult to hunt than the old bucks, if not more difficult. Old buck or old doe is a trophy in my eyes. The oldest doe I ever harvested was almost toothless, I used her hooves for a gun rack. She was also my first bow kill.
Yes I have. 4 total over 8 point. Each and every set of antlers was donated to the local Tribal craft shop. I cannot eat them things so I made sure they went to a good use. Now I have a couple of recipes to try For those of you that might think an 8 pointer is small, you must first know the area. LOTS of meat hunters here in my area and I believe a bunch of poachers as well since a gunshot can be heard several times a week after it gets dark. Then you have the wolves to add into the equation. A visit to a few of the local taverns and you might even get to hear about how somebody shot a big buck with the rifle because it was out of bow range. Add all that together and any adult deer in this area is a trophy when taken with a bow and arrow. Matt P.S. Before I get called a jackass or a moron again, let me state that THIS POST REGARDING POACHING AND ILLEGAL HUNTING IS NOT TOWARDS ANYBODY HERE including Preacher Tony who felt the need to call me a jackass earlier in this thread and including scljrl who felt the need to call me a moron. Such actions just show me how mature you both really are, GROW UP. Others have voiced there opinions and have held a level of maturity that you two could learn from.
My grandpa use to have an old jackass on the farm. Funny thing about that jackass, every time he bayed, he expected to hear another jackass bay back. Dont ever remember him getting mad when he heard a response!
An 8 point does not always equate to an old, mature buck. There are plenty of 1 1/2 year old 8 points running around the woods. So, again..... have you ever shot an old mature buck?
Tony...did you think Rory was serious? lol MattR...your not going to win this battle. Anybody can shoot whatever they want for any reason they want as long as its legal, you have no right to tell them otherwise or downplay there accomplishments. Unless you drive the cheapest car, buy the cheapest food, save every penny you ever earned, then your a hypocrite. Because you dont NEED anything other then the base, just like hunters dont NEED to shoot big bucks. Some just want to. Give it a rest already.
Matt your right, I'm just gonna shot the next deer I see. If its a big buck though I will just let him pass cause what will I do with his antlers. Put them on my wall so I can remember that great memory? No, that's stupid. Next year doing bow season I will just shoot the first one I see also. Hopefully only have to hunt for a couple days max before I stick one cause I don't like going out to the woods I'm just out there everyday possible for some meat
Maybe in your woods that is the case. Stop being so blind and thinking that just because where you hunt that it MUST be like that every place else. So once again I will answer you, Yes I have shot a mature buck. How about you? Siman08/OH, being a cheapskate has nothing to do with what I posted regarding using as much of the deer as possible, including the antlers. I was not telling them what to do, just wondering how many did actually use as much of the deer as possible. Anyways I am done with this. As far as I am concerned the mods can remove this thread because some that have replied here cannot see the post for what it was actually meant for, even after I had to clarify it a bit. Some of you did understand what I meant and at least I know there are a few that know how to read English here without adding their own words to the original post.
How about you post some pictures of your bucks, to show what a mature deer in your area is. How old were they?
I was always taught that what I think is important, is not often very important to someone else. And so it goes with hunting styles. To each his own. But to voice ones opinion on a forum as if it is the one and only true way, is to expose oneself as lacking in judgement and or character.