Jackson County bucks are getting larger every year due to hunter education and good management practices. Great to see it and finally the state of Alabama is onboard with a mandatory check-in system. Maybe things will continue to improve!
It is good to see the reporting requirements here in Al. However, the system in place won't prevent some from cheating the system. For example, if you take a deer, write it on your harvest record, make it home without being stopped by the game warden, you still have 24 hours to obtain the confirmation number from the reporting system. The problem is, once you get home with that deer, you can just print out a new harvest sheet from the website and start over. There is nothing (to my knowledge) preventing you from cutting the harvest record off your license and instead carry a new one. If it says you can't remove the original sheet from your license, I am not aware of where it says it.
well they dropped it back to voluntary reporting so we are back to the same problems again. but i have some friends who hunt in jackson county and they have a lot of large deer over there. I hunt winston and marion counties and we have some large deer down there as well.