I think that's why God gave you 2, so you could pay for hunting trips. He also gave you more than enough blood, just in case you want to sell some of that. I hear there's a good "black market" for small children, if you have any of those.
How likely is it that I will call in more hunters than bulls with a bugle? Would it be unwise to just go with a few cow calls?
Depends on the area. Typically, a hunters bugle is easy to tell from an elks. When you hear an elk, you'll know. I very rarely cow call. Bulls are extremely vocal during the rut and that is something I like to expose. My typical morning will consist of getting up high and letting out some wimpy location bugles. When I get an answer I will pinpoint the bull, stay quiet, and move in fast and quiet. I don't want to threaten that bull until I am close! Next, if I can get in tight enough (50-70 yards) I will send out a challenge bugle that will take his head off. This will typically induce the fight or flight instinct. More often than not he is on his way in at this point! Always have an arrow knocked when calling. During the rut, if a bull hears a cow he expects her to come to him.
Damn it man now I have to buy a bugle! I don't plan on this being my only trip after wapiti so I would of grabbed one eventually.
There is always the following year. 2015,2016,2017.... (Insert two thumbs up here and a smiling face)
Well just added up my license and permit costs for the year, and half my budget is now gone. LOL $2939.10 donated to 8 States (AZ, UT, CO, MT, WY, AK, AL, KY)... I have a sickness. A disease. I need professional help. In my defense, $500 or so is building points in states I won't be hunting...
Next question. Are these lines in the trees "game trails"? Nothing shows any different in regard to the terrain on the topo map. I'm referring to the multi lines running North and South in this picture. If not, what might they be? Yes, I covered the number of the GMU with a grey dot.
My only hope is that I don't get an elk this year. I fear that if I do, I will have contracted the same disease that you're afflicted with. :D
Those are more than likely all draws and drainages where there are not any trees. You wouldn't be able to see any trails in the trees.
Like it was said draws or drainages or in some parts of the country skidder trails show up like that after grow back...
I've got my dates marked on the calender at work. I'll be leaving Oklahoma on August 27th and will head back to Oklahoma on September 11th. That will give me a few days to get accumulated and pack in camp before the opener on the 30th. Hopefully I can get it done in 12 days. Anyone else going to be out those dates?
OK/Sooner....Why did you pick those dates? Everything I've read seems to point to the rut starting about the time you're leaving.
I know a group that has hunted the opening week last few years. 6 total tags, and 5 of them filled. 3 bulls (1 P&Y) and 2 cows.
I have went opening weekend for the last 4 trips. There has never been a lack of Elk or Bulls bugling for that matter. Last year I counted 16 shooter bulls on opening day an almost all of them were screaming their heads off. Just so happen that it was after I filled my tag. Plus opening weekend is around Labor day. It works out better with my dad and I vacations. Plus I like to bow hunt before the orange army shows up. The year before last we went up early an stayed three weeks and after opening day of ML we never seen another Elk.
Only way to do it, all archery all DIY! MT Elk/deer combo at $976 and AK moose at $485 kills but you gotta pay to play I suppose. Better spent there than on 2 months of bar tabs...