In MD its antlerless only 10/25-30th ...its your first season bow hunting and the only buck you have seen was a spike you hike in the woods well before dark set up in the stand hoping a doe will show itself. Couple hours later the sun comes up start doing a little bleating before you know it you hear something walking through the thicket out of the bedding area, tail movement confirms its a whitetail. 30 mins later and with in 15yds your looking at a decent 8 pt, heart rate is jacked, heart beating so hard you feel like your gonna fall outta the stand,shaking, thoughts start running im gonna kill my first buck ever with a bow ta boot, and its gonna be a wall hanger... What would you have done?
If it's antlerless only that's what it means...ONLY! Last year I was on a management hunt, antlerless only. I heard some crunch, crunch coming through the snow. The biggest buck I ever had within range came walking 15 yards, broadside, stopped, waited a moment to torment me then swaggered off. I think I heard him laugh as he walked away.
I would have shot it. It's antlerless only for muzzleloader. If you are hunting with a bow and have a buck tag you could shoot it.
LOL, Yes . We have a bow season concurrent with the short muzzleloader antlerless (Oct 25 - Oct 30), it runs from Oct 25 - Nov 26 (Nov 27 starts firearms and then we use firearms tags). It is all in the Guide to Hunting and Trapping that you received with your license.
PA. has the same rule. Muzzleloader season for a week and it's antlerless only but archer's can still take a buck
From what I can tell from reading that page a bowhunter only needs to worry about the box marked "White-tailed deer bow season 2010-2011" and in this box it states it is antlered or antlerless from Oct. 25-Nov. 26. The box labeled "White-tailed deer muzzleloader season 2010-2011" means nothing to someone hunting with a bow. Bowhunters use this box: Bowhunters ignore this box:
Actually, bowhunters can't ignore the muzzleloader box. During the muzzleloader "antlered" the deer has to be tagged with a muzzleloader tag, there is no bow season then. Same thing during the firearms season. Deer have to be tagged with a firearms tag. So, even though I have teo bow buck tags I can't use them during those times. Bowhunters must also wear orange during the muzzleloader and firearms seasons even if, as during muzzleloader, there is also a bow season. Bowhunters (hunters) need to read, and understand, all of the boxes. If there is a question or they are confusing, call the DNR and they will be more than happy to explain things.
Thanks Bruce. I probably should have stayed out of trying to explain it to him since, I'm not familiar with the regs there, like I am here in GA. I was just trying to make it simple for the guy. Guess I shouldn't have assumed he would have gotten that part of it. I just combed over it real quick and figured out the date thing for him and was trying to explain that part. Glad there is actually a MD hunter here to explain it completely for him. I agree 100% about calling the DNR if something is not crystal clear for the hunter.
One other thing I would like to mention: If all the hunter has purchased is a regular license and bow then they cannot hunt during the muzzleloader only seasons. They would need to purchase a muzzleloader license as well.
I am not sure how to make it any simpler but I'll try: If you are hunting with a bow during a valid bow season and you have a valid buck tag, you can shoot a buck and put your valid tag on him and report him to DNR and it is all legal.
what muzzle tags i have purchased a muzzleloader stamp.the only tags are the one i got in the game and regulation book.and they have boxs to check off.
The muzzleloader stamp "gives" you your tags. Tags, in this case, are not necessarily physical. The muzzleloader stamp allows you to hunt deer during the muzzleloader only parts of the season.
ok bare with me this is the first year in region b special regulation for october 25 -30 sec 2 says deer taken by bow during muzzle season couts as a bow tag ok so i check bow on the tag.i have 2 antlered and 10 antlerless tags for my i an addictional set of tags for the other seasons?so 6 antlered and 30 anterless deer for the combined three seasons?i hunted va and the tags you got you used no matter what you shot it with.once those three tags where filled your season was this place is confusing.
Yes, it is 6 and 30 but to take a second buck during a particualr season you need to take two does. Example: you shoot a buck and 2 does during the bow seasons. You have one buck tag (used) and are now eligible to buy the bonus antlered deer stamp for your second buck. You can only take this second buck during a valid bow season. Now during firearms you get the same deal. Shoot 2 does, no bucks, You still have 1 forearms buck tag but are eligible to buy the bonus antlered deer stamp. If you already have a bonus antlered deer stamp that you got during bow season then you can also use that to take your second buck during firearms. You would have to buy another if you still wanted to take a second buck during bow. In the 4 "suburban counties" you have unlimited doe tags. Montgomery, Howard, Anne Arundel and PG. You guys should take some time and read through the Hunter's Guide.