I was hunting in an overgrown field behind my house. I was watching about 20 deer on a neighboring property moving my direction. It was about 30 min before dark and several deer were steadily moving in my direction, but still about 250 yds out. Then 15 min later my neighbor to the north of me comes out with one of her teenage daughters and two black labs. The woman and girl were talking loudly and those stupid labs ran every deer off the field. The deer were not even on their land. This has happened several times to both me and my son. I think they just wait for us and enjoy screwing up our hunts. They don't want the deer to be killed. I have asked permission in the past to hunt on their land and they said "absolutely not". I can respect that, but don't intentionally screw up hunting on my place. What I want to do is go over ther and hit her husband right in the mouth! Thanks for listening to my rant.
They could be arrested in Texas for harrassing hunters. There was a woman arrested in Ellis County for making noise and scaring deer off from a neighbors farm. She never left her own property and was still charged! Cool!
The laws are on the hunters side IF they are being harassed. If they are simply enjoying their own property, intentional or not there is nothing one can do about it. Your situation in TX I'm sure is an exception but I'd like it to be the norm. The dogs however, if they are leaving their property and running the deer, that can definitely be handled. One thing I would highly recommend is carrying a video camera and catch it all in action.
That is true Rob. She told the deputy she wanted to give the deer a chance against the guns. That was all it took.
Someone should arrest my wife then!! She always harasses this hunter.LOL Its always wheres the deer? Why are you letting that one go its just a deer! Shoot one already! Why you gotta spend so much on hunting stuff your just gonna sleep in the stand anyway!
If you ever do shoot one of these deer you should hang it as close to their property line that you can and then take your sweet time gutting it in full view of their house. I know its mean but sometimes... Mike
I agree with Rob, bring a video camera. If the dogs are off their property, that is "in" you need to get that situation handled. And if it happens repeatedly, it would clearly indicate they are trying to harass you.
When we stoop to their level, trying to aggravate them with childish BS, then we are no better than them. The best way to combat people like this is to obey the law, use the law to your benefit and to conduct yourself with confidence, maturity, honor and integrity.
In MN, outside of a certain range of months, ANYONE can shoot a dog chasing big game without being held accountable. Although this certainly IS NOT a preffered approach, I would assume your state may have some similiar regs concerning dogs and big game, in which case a video camera would be great evidence to hand over to a CO. I'd start carrying a camera and a bow into the woods.
+1. While the situation my be very frustrating, if they're not doing anything illegal then there's not much that can be done. Like someone said earlier, if they or the dogs are trespassing on YOUR land, get a camera to prove that this is the case. If not, I guess biting the bullet is the only response
that sounds like my situation the opening day of gun season i was up in my stand hunting on a feild and the farmer saw my orange and pulled his gun out and magically wanted to start shooting his gun and scaring all my deer away, it sucked,
I like how people always want to save all the cute little deer, but the poor ugly cow can be dinner anytime? Humans are funny like that. Me, I was given incisors for a reason...and I don't discriminate.
well heres one for u guys some lady in washington county pennsylvania let her dogs out all the time so they would run the deer out of the field and well the guy called the game commission supposably they showed up watched this all happen and told the guy to shoot the dogs if they chase the deer because its causeing the deer problems ( im guessing the dogs could run the deer to death ) but anyhow im not 100% on the gc part of the story but the lady did try to take a couple of hunters to court about it like 2 years ago for shooting her dog because it was chasing a deer and the hunters won the case
I love dogs, truly mans best friend. i would call you local conservation agent and have him meet you and show him the situation, he will be your best Alie , and in most cases concerning wildlife,hunters, and the public he has more authority then the sheriffs dept in these matters. just dont lose your cool use the system to work for you. best of luck.