I sighted in my bow, Sunday afternoon shooting dead nuts on all the way to 50 and holding tennis ball size groups The problem is and i have noticed this on three different occasions - is when it rains or misting or any substantial wet weather - if I shoot my bow is 6 inches low - windage wise I am perfect I have never adjusted the sights based on this and next time I shoot in warmer/drier weather my bow will shoot perfect I am using feathers could they be getting damp after a couple of shots and dropping or could it be the moisture and temp affecting my string/cables
Could be wet feathers on the arrow. Could be the string and cables are wet but that should go away after a shot or two. Wax your string and silicone your feathers.
That would be my guess. Are you saying your groups are 6" low at 50 yards? Or are you saying your groups are 6" low no matter the distance. I could see (maybe) 6" low at 50 yards, but I would not think wet/soaked feathers would cause a group to drop 6" at say 20 yards.
they are dropping at 20 yards, 2nd instance of this happening, guess that is where my concern comes in, I will hunt in the rain in a new york minute - but not sure what is driving this
I was thinking about this. If your rest, for whatever reason, was not coming all of the way up then the arrow would hit lower.
thanks bruce, i believe it is the rest as well, I adjusted the sights today and consequently started shooting low after hitting dead center again- grab my other bow and shot it and dead center every shot, have a different rest on it btw both are the same bows katera xl's shooting the same poundage and arrow broadhead combination- will be changing the rest this week
It was a trophy taker shaky hunter - not sure if the cable was slipping or the the root cause - but everything else is snug on the bow and I am going to change the rest out and see if that is the culprit -