Well here goes my attempt at scouting and looking for input. Here is what I have and know so far. This is a farily small tract of land. The area immedietly surrounding it has not been heavily hunted in the last couple of years. But in the 15-20 before that, all of the land in the area including this land was HEAVILY hunted. I have been out scouting some but not near enough. This map is what I have come up with so far. The stand I hunted most out of last season was A and D. Person who hunts out of C saw nothing last year and person who hunts out of B saw some and hand several photos at night last season. Out of A, I saw 0 deer and out of D we saw 1 small spike. D will not be a option for me this year and B is being removed. My current plan is to move A to F and hunt G, E, and H with a climber or the ground. The most deer activity on the property was in order E, F, H. E has the most well marked paths followed by F and H. If anyone sees anything they think I over looked please let me know, or if you have any input. The brown areas are clearings
Are you running trail cameras on this property? What are your expectations? Are you able to hunt everything pictured or what are the boundries? With this piece of property it looks like you have good access being able to enter from the SE. 90% of the time your going to get some type of western wind. The peak slopping down in the middle of the pic with the stream running up to it is perfect for a buck to bed and check mulitply winds. I would focus on pinches, saddles, and big points where a buck can bed and watch/smell the access to this area.
E and F look good, directly west of F where those 3 drains dump into that stream, just south of C looks like some flatter ground maybe a bench, directly above B looks like a bench, to the north east of G looks like a bench. Thats just some spots I would look. White oaks here are up higher. That looks a lot like some land I hunt. You just have to find the easy travel areas like logging roads and benches. And yes those bucks will be on those points where they can see and smell anything from any direction.
Only trail cam on the property has been up at stand B and that was last season. Will hopefully get one up in the next 2 weeks but we all know how $ goes. My expectations are to just get a buck. I'm still after my first deer so i don't really want it to be a doe. We had at least 3 seperate ones on camera last year, but with the moon cycles and abundance of food they were only at night. I am not 100% on the boundaries so I try and stay well within where I believe they are. From what I understand the boundaries are on the East from where the streams meet and almost a stright line up to the lower left corner of the legend then follow the road up and around and on the west it is at around the 2400' and 2600' marker. I know the land owners on the east and they are open with their borders. The West and north is such steep mountain side that its not used or marked.