I have learned a lot from this website, but i have a new place i want to try and have no clue where to start. with the temps here in the midwest i am not going to scout for a long time, and even when i can i dont know where to start there is a lot of land. all help is appreciated. here is the map of the land, i would have used acme mapper or similar program but i thought it would be easier for now for you guys to see the boundaries on this map. http://www.maryville.org/files/documents/Mozingo_Lake_Hunting_Area_04-15-2011_033728.pdf
I'm sure some others can give you a more detailed answer but I would start by identifying food sources. What's in those fields (corn, beans, etc)? Is there any mast in those small blocks. I would also try to find an area where the food source and lake pinch /sandwich a strip or block of woods, from the map there seems to be a few spots where the lake boundary might influence deer travel. Also, the north tip of the water looks like it could be marshy or wet and there are some little fingers & points & small blocks of woods by some fields there that look interesting. If you can key in on some heavily used food sources it may help isolate some likely bedding thickets/area. I'm assuming that's public land so taking into cosideration parking and entry/exit routes and where you see the most huning pressure are going to be important things to consider . Do you have a small boat or canoe and somewhere close you could launch from? Not real specific but might help.
there are several roads that go into the woods, and yes i have a boat, and there isnt much hunting pressure on the area. thanks for the tips, it sucks that it is so hot so i dont feel like getting out and walking the land.