Not bad for a YOUNG man sir! I am amazed at how much better I feel and my increased energy levels since I started paying attention to nutrition and working out two months ago. My results are beyond anything I could of imagined. I had my monthly assessment yesterday and have added another 4 pounds of lean muscle and lost another three pounds of fat. I have to buy new jeans this weekend because I can barely keep my old ones up. Nice problem for sure.
Another week and another pound down. Had a date night and a nice meal and desert with no fear. I did strain my calf running a few nights ago so I haven’t done any cardio since Wednesday. I’m hoping to get back to that in the next couple days. If my calf is still angry I will try rowing. Stay after it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Didn't take long for my knee to flare up when running on the treadmill. Fine all last week and now this morning it hurts again when I run. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I hurt mine running on an indoor track. It has a soft bouncy surface and I must have changed my stride or impact. Its feeling better might give it a shot tonight.
I really don't see how people with previous knee, hip, ankle, shin, calf, lower back issues still continue to run.
My pain isn't unbearable. I can get through roughly a mile on the treadmill before it starts to get sore. The pain feels like it's on the outside of my knee toward the top. I really have no idea what is in that area that would make it hurt, but assume it's simply compression/stress.
Started the Keto diet recently and I feel I am doing better than any other diet I have tried. Hurt my ankle in October and gave it rest through Christmas. Started light cardio and it flared up again. Starting to run again this week. Down about 5-8 pounds just from the diet and hope to lose another 7-10 max while increasing my fitness levels. Mainly want to focus on endurance and flexibility. Might try more biking this year when I get my road bike out of storage.
That doesn't sound safe for work... Will wait until I'm done. EDIT: Why did you make me look that up... What in the actual hell did I just watch?
That is a possibility but have made it through 77 years this way. Don't drink Coke but one ever couple months or so. Usually just water. Squirt with Canadian Royal works too. Not into the pastas much, no Mexican foods of any kind, usually remove most of the skin off the fried chicken. Not a lot of bread either and mostly home made. My dog and I walk 1/2 mile every morning, 1/4 mile up hill and 1/4 back down. That does twice as much good as walking 3 miles on level going. Some people need the extra exercise and some don't. I get my share of exercise. Some people call it work.
Go into a Buffet and that is mostly what you see. Bunch of overweight people with overweight kids eating junk food and sweets.
I can not eat at buffets, salad bars etc, any place where the general public is dipping into a common container or plate. Just can't.
Say What ! General public is NOT dipping into a common container or plate. They use the utensils that are in the container and only touch the handles. Would rather have a waiter/waitress bring your food on a plate with their thumb/fingers on the top of the plate? Bet you don't go to any family picnics or dinners either then. With all your traveling it is hard to tell what has been on your plate just before it is carried out to you. Old saying what you don't know won't hurt you.
Agreed. I have seen way too many gross things happen in a buffet line. The buffet style of dining is why cruise ships and resorts have huge outbreaks of illness too. Everyone licking fingers and grabbing common serving utensils is a recipe for disaster. Kids at buffets are the worst, but I have witnessed grown adults reach into dipping sauces and soups to retrieve serving spoons and then lick off their hand. My wife and I also find buffets to be nothing less than disgusting. I will take the hand of one waiter/waitress over the hands of hundreds of people any day.
And I bet your one of those that wear out 3 napkins to wipe off the silver ware before you use it. We seek out buffets to eat at and have been for many, many years and have not had one problem. Your statement of curse ships and resorts have huge outbreaks of illness very highly inflated and you know it. Lot more in restaurants than cruse ships and resorts. You would make a great story tells as you have a wild imagination.
Ever been in a public restroom and seen someone walk out of a stall and never wash their hands. People are slobs. Buffet=hell no. I have worked in food service and seen french fries go up the waitresses nose and then go on the plate, seen food come off the floor and go on the plate. Lets just say not every one working in food service is some fancy chef.