Another activity you might consider is swimming. Nothing burns more calories per minute than swimming. Good luck on your journey fletch. Blessings..........Pastorjim Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I have nothing but respect for you older guys who get after it in the gym. I'm only 47 and I'm always working around nagging injuries. Its tough to grind it out when your best lifts and PR's are behind you. I just keep telling myself I want to be in the best shape I can be at whatever age I am.
I used to ride a lot. My oldest son actually went to college on a cycling scholarship and has several national championship rings. I have not been on the bike much for three years, but plan on making it a big part of my training soon. I enjoy road biking and mountain biking. My wife and I actually went to watch Lance A win his 7th tour (before we knew he was a doper) and rode sections of the tour route each day prior to the race and then watched the race come through. We did the major climbs each day and watched the racers from the top. It was a great trip and we rode all through Southern France and Northern Spain. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done, but so worth it. Several hors category climbs. I have also ridden across the state of Iowa 14 times and plan to do it again this summer. So, I definitely will get in at least a thousand miles of training before I take off on that. Biking is absolutely a great way to get fit and stay fit. The outfits are indeed a bit goofy, but its all good.
Very cool fletch. I’ve toyed with the idea of doing RAGBRAI but never got serious enough to do it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hopping back on the "get healthy" bandwagon this week. Gym routine and diet start tomorrow. Currently sitting at 5'8" and about 170lbs. Hoping to lose about 15-20lbs the next few months.
Ahh very cool. Going to watch the Tour would be incredible. The atmosphere there looks insane. What kind of road bike you got?
The tour is a trip of a lifetime. But, take your bike! It makes getting around so much easier and you get real appreciation for just how incredibly fit those guys are. Its insanely difficult to ride some of those mountain stages and they make it look easy. I have an older Trek aluminum frame for beating around and I have a carbon frame Giant road racing bike that is a lot of fun to ride. My wife and I also enjoy riding a Trek tandem bike. We have taken it on some trips to ride at tandem rally's. My favorite was probably when we went to Madison, WI. Lake Peppin in MN is also good riding. You definitely need to have some solid communication and a strong marriage to make the tandem enjoyable. lol.
We actually bought a house a couple of years ago with an in-ground, heated pool. I absolutely love it. I run home at lunch some days and swim laps, or get up early and do the same. Swimming laps is what opened my eyes to just how out of shape I had gotten! lol. It is such great exercise.
I finally bought a scale for the new house a month ago and immediately got back into working out. I knew I was out of shape, but seeing the number on the scale gave me the boost I needed. So far, I'm running about 2.5 miles M,W,F. I'll eventually switch that over to Tuesday and Thursday with weights taking over the three day spot. As for diet, I fast through breakfast and don't eat until 11:30 which is usually a meal I prepped Sunday. For dinner I have a calendar that each weekend before I will schedule what I'm having and go to the grocery story to get what I need. For the most part I have cut out beer and soda. Still will drink the occasional beer if I go out on the weekend. Water, zevia, or flavored liquids in water are my main drinks. Low Carb is what I'm usually typing in on Pinterest. Which is pretty close to keto, I just don't worry about my fat to protein intake. The weekend is my cheat if you want to call it that. I try to watch what I eat, but I'm not as picky as I am throughout the week. So far I'm down about 7-8 pounds since starting this about a month ago. I wasn't huge to begin with, so happy with the pace I'm at. Side note - I use the nike running app if anyone needs someone to compare to.
Still have done nothing as far as really working out. Still play 2 solid hours on Sundays of good basketball with fellas 5-10 years my younger....and I've still managed to lose 8-9 lbs since I started around New Years. Passively losing weight without killing myself working out does keep me willing to stay on this Keto kick....still hope to find that motivation to work out but busy life makes me most unwilling to hit the weights when I get home.
Ordering some good running shoes. Cutting out a lot of the sugar has helped the last month or two. Tightening up a bit.
West I’m only 36 and know that I’ll only ever be in the shadow of what I was 8 yrs ago. Like you I’m in it to feel and look good. I’ve lost about 15 lbs already just by dietary changes and fat burning cardio. Can’t wait to get back in gym and lift some weight. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Cut back on carbs other than veg (e.g. pasta, rice, bread) with the exercise and it's amazing Brett. Tony added intermittent fasting too and he's lost quote a bit.
Signed up for a 31 mile trail run (50k) in October. Can only run 3 miles right now lol. I’m 5’11” 240, more of a beer drinker lumberjack build. I’ll have them put stickers on my casket or wheelchair, whichever it turns out to be. It was $90 to sign up so I’ll die before I quit.
Being younger has it's advantages I guess. Never followed a strict diet, however I simply make sure to eat as much protein as I can, mixed with greens and a healthy amount of carbs. Completely cut out almost all carbonated drinks a few years ago, water is what I drink 90% of the time, with coffee and tea on some occasions. No fast food, just good whole foods, attempting to be as natural as possible. In terms of working out, the key for me is consistency. Hitting the weights between 5-6 times a week, using block scheduling to gradually ease my way from pure strength training, towards a more usable body style in the woods, one that is leaner, faster and more agile. On top of lifting, I will also run 3 times a week, sun rain or snow and I will also swim during the summer. By following this the plan is to be the deadliest predator I can be. I have found a very strong connection towards fitness and hunting, the ideology of being harder to kill and being good at killing. It may sound unnecessary and graphic, but it has helped change my life for the better. My goal is to simply be the "Ultimate Predator", as said by Cameron Hanes.
I gave my son my Giant road bike yesterday, going back to a hybrid bike. Where I ride has a lot of gravel roads going to it the rocks on the high pressure road bike tires is not a good thing. I am certain that the front tire or the seat is going to get stolen within a week of him riding it to class.
I got a pair of Brooks in January and started doing one run a week along with two days of lifting and one day of intervals. I actually started with a fast walk, because its all I could do. The last two weeks I was able to run two miles in twenty minutes. Slow, but doing it. This week I will add a quarter or half mile and so on until I can do at least a 5k and then hopefully pick up some speed. I went and got fitted for running shoes on a treadmill and found the Brooks to be the most comfortable shoe for me. But, I think everyone has their own style of running and their own preference for what is the best shoe.