Any Michigan hunters this one is going to be on MOD this thrusday I believe. These are some great people. They have done a lot of hard work with their farm for deer hunting. I have a lot of respect for them. They have shot some big deer the past ten years.
It would get more responses! Congrats to her....great to see the youth out there hunting, no matter what the weapon is.
The other thread in the bowhunting section with the three bucks went south. So south it made me sick. Some responses by some people made me ashamed to call them fellow hunters.
Excellent! That is really great! Nothing better than two different generations sharing in what we all love!
Enjoyed reading about the girls first buck. I am glad to see she stuck with what excited her and not her fathers view. This is not to say the father was wrong in any way, just cool to see her set a goal and not be tempted by something else.