I will be getting my euro mount back right away here from a family friend whos a taxidermist and was wondering if there is any treating that you can do to the antlers to help them keep their color. Also I'm debating on painting my skull. For some reason I just don't like how white they turn out. Is it possible to stain the skull? If not, whats the next best solution? Just paint it with a brush or paint brush? I'm trying to go with a natural brown color or something. I was just hoping that if the stain idea would work that it would still help show some of the charactor that you get on the skull. Any ideas what be appreciated. Also any unique ideas for a plaque or pedastul mount for the eruo? I'm a carpenter by trade so I like trying to be creative when I get to make things out of wood. I'm just drawing a blank on this.
Just tell your buddy not to put peroxide or anything on it and it won't turn out that white. I had my two previous euros done professionally with bugs, and neither one had anything else done to them and they aren't near that white like some you see pictured on here.
does the color in the antlers fade much? or is it just from the elements that they fade so bad when you find a shed?
The color of the antlers will stay the same if you don't apply chemicals to them, no matter if it's a full shoulder mount or a Euro. What you're probably noticing in sheds is the sun bleaching them out as they lay exposed to the elements.