I am planning to try out some mechanical/pseudo-mechanical broadheads this year and have read just about every review on the BHs I'm considering; Bloodrunner 2-blade, Bloodrunner 3-blade and the Spitfire. I haven't found any real feedback on arrow speed, kinetic energy, or draw weight that directly correlates to knock-down power/penetration. I shoot a PSE stingray at ~60 lbs. Is this setup sufficient to use these BHs? I'm leaning towards the 2 blade bloodrunner right now. Also, as an FYI, NAP has a $10 rebate for Thunderheads, Spitfires, Bloodrunners and the 360 capture rest.
In general, at 60#'s DW, I do not think the 2 blade bloodrunner or the 2 blade rage are good choice. I would look at something with a smaller cutting surface like the 3 blade bloodrunner.
I agree with bruce, it takes alot of energy to push a 2+ inch cut through a mature whitetail. Of the 3, I would go with the 3 blade bloodrunner. You should get a nice entry hole, which will be good if don't achieve a pass through. The spitfires are a great head but the entry hole is relatively small and if you don't get a pass through your blood trail might not be the best. Hope this helps a little and let us know what you go with.
I personaly would stay witha fixed blade at 60#'s But it depends on what your current ke is. You could always go with the rage 40ke pack that they sell thats what a buddy of mine was going to do but the he bought a new z7 and well im sure you understand.
Thanks for the input. I'm leaning towards the 3-blade Bloodrunner now. I love my bow (of course, I would love an EZ7, much better), but it will only let me get up to 65 lb. If I maxed out the draw weight, would that make enough of a difference in KE to use the 2 blade? I'm not sure about my arrow weight, but they are Carbon Express Maximas, purchased last year.
In general, probably not. There are other factors involved in penetration that have much more influence than DW. The 3 blade will do the job just fine and be a little more forgiving. No need to try and make a large cutting surface 2 blade work.