Now thats what I like to see, interaction!! That is simply the BEST way to teach our youngsters and adults that are new to the hunting world. I have beat target idenity in my kids heads, but its time for a refresher course Kudos to you Jeff!! and good luck on your outing.
my buddy shot his finger off, because he was so excited about a deer coming in the woods, grab his gun, shot it clean off, what he didnt no , it was his father coming through the woods.....i guess a finger is better than his father.. sucks when this stuff happens. Makes me nervous walkin through the woods in the dark morning or afternoon...dont trust people out there...idiots
i totally agree with everything said.. the thing is you never no in today's world....the things kids do , it would suprise me either way if it was done intentionally or accidently....I mean your 12 yards away dont no its a human? make it more crazy , that he thought it was a turkey?..maybe a deer, or something, but a turkey?....was he laying on the ground...this all dont make since...being 12 yards away..unless they were laying in a thicket, or something it just sounds kinda weird.
heres the article..not long...but here it is...still blows my mind...somethings not right!,0,1555771.story I tell you what its crazy...that people dont get more of a punishment for these things...i mean if someone really wants to murder someone else...and get away with it..geezz..this is the way to do it..because they forgive everyone that makes a mistake like this.... READ THIS 30 days in juvenile detention home...and 120 hours for killing someone..crazy,2933,531639,00.html
12 yards and you mistake a man for a turkey? Not buying it, just like I don't buy the "Well, I was cleaning the gun and it just went off!" crap.
This happened a few miles from where I hunt/live. Long story short, IL needs more of a hands on hunter safety course and a hunter EDUCATION course. I sat thru the hunter safety course in 07 w/ my oldest and 08 with my youngest son. Anyone that thinks they are now ready to hunt alone is sadl mistaken IMO. No mention of how to safely hang a stand, what to look for when placing a stand, etc. Not one mention of bowhunting, other than the season dates. Long story short, it was 12 hours of "don't shoot yourself" and now you passed. Even saw a few kids that failed get the chance to retake the test until they did pass..... glad I hunt private ground. This is a sad story, but it happens all too often. Some education on the youngsters part might have helped him know that turkeys are roosted at 7pm.
Wholeheartedly agree! After I got shot, I spoke at a few hunters safety classes....and it was a slight joke. I've always said that the classes need to be much more hands on and much much more about the safety aspect of firearms.