I do.........his careless actions ended a life. That is as serious as it gets. When you start toting a deadly weapon around and acting like a big boy then it's time to accept the consequences of your actions as well.
Frankly, I don't give a frog's fat ass what the kid has to carry around with him forever........the other kid is DEAD. This kid will go on and go to his prom and college and get married and have kids of his own and enjoy a long regular life............wow, I really feel bad for him because he has to deal with his own stupidity. Sorry, but he gets no sympathy from me. ZERO.
It took me 3 years to even draw my bow back at anything. I just don't understand who is teachiing / or not teaching these kids to hunt / be safe / use a little common sense in the woods. Crazy tradgedy!
The very first rule of shooting anything is "Know your target and beyond" he broke a cardinal Rule and his friend is dead. No hunter education?!?! Who teh hell let him into the damned woods! Should be punished. Everything haunts you, but i'll tell yah what, eventually he will enjoy life. And his buddy cant.
Sad situation, it still baffles me how someone can mistake a human for a bird or a deer. We have neighbors that went hunting for Pheasant and one nearly died because some idiot shot him. Now neither hunt and are scared to enter the woods.
Yes Indeed, very sad situation. Does any of your states have a mandatory hunters safety course fro people born after a certain Date?? Ours does and target identfy is stressed over and over again till your blue in the face and I think that is great!! Atlas, It did happen with a Bow
Its mandatory here...... Suprised Illinois with its StringentGun control does not have a huge saftey program
I personally think ALL States should have this. Some kids that are interesting in our sport just dont have the guidence in parents that are not interested in our sport.
I agree 100% My old mad taught Hunter saftey when I was growing up, I am just taking my instructor class this year. I dont understand how anyone in their right mind could let their kids go into the woods with a weapon without some sort of guidance
I am in 100% agreement with everything Atlas said. There is no excuse for it, and the punishment should fit the CRIME. Those of you saying that living with it will be punishment enough, think about if it was one of your on shot by someone thinking your child/friend was a deer/turkey...bet you would not even think of hearing the bs then . Georgia has a hunter safety course before you can ever get you liscense...I passed it when I was 8 and I am in no way a prodigy or was I the youngest in the class. Now you can take it online, go to a 2 hour meeting and get your liscense. No really a help to anyone.
Awful,just awful that things like this happen! I don't understand how you can shoot some thing you have not positively identified! This is as good an argument as any for mandatory hunter orange,for at least the time period that you are not in a stand.
very very tragic & very very sad.................how does a person come to 'look ' like a turkey to someone in the hunting woods?
It is fall archery turkey season here in IL. We also have mandatory hunter safety education for anyone born after 1980. I just don't understand how something like this can happen. It's terrible and it's not an 'accident'. My heart does go out to both families. The shooter must have some real impulse control issues. How else could you not wait to draw and shoot until you actually knew what the hell you were shooting at? (much less aiming at the 'vitals' of an unidentified blob??) And while he probably does feel tremendous guilt, I don't think feeling bad about something should lessen one's legal punishment. He had a deadly weapon and he killed somebody with his negligent use of the weapon. It's not an accident. On the other hand, I realize he's still a 'kid' and kids often, especially nowadays, have no concept of consequences of their actions or personal responsiblity. It's a tough call on how to punish this type of thing and how to try and prevent future ones.
How do you mistake a human for a turkey especially with a bow in the fall?? I mean you have to take time to draw, aim, and release. I mean a human and a turkey, there is so many physical differences..was the shot close? I mean with a bow it had to be within 30 yds..sad very sad.
unfortunatly VA nowadays with peoples perceived "Ability" it could have been 50-60 yards away and in very low light....
Just makes me sick at my stomach...God Bless all those involved...please learn from this and spread the word and preach safety first. ...Just Terrible...
Good coments everyone from both aspects. I also have a teenage son and kinda feel like Jeff. I know my kids have been taught to never ever even aim at something you cannot identify. Its not worth the price that may come with it. I hate to say it, but this incodent may, and I hope its used as a learning tool for some youth and adults alike. I pray for both families!!
Man, I don't even know what to say. Horrible tradgedy, but unfortunately it seems all too common. We all hear about stuff like this every year. Yesterday morning I caught movement to my left at about 30 yards, but whatever "it" was, was in some really thick stuff and I couldn't make a postive I.D. It ended up being my best friend, on the ground messing with his bow! Did I grab my bow when I first noticed the movement of the "thing"? HELL NO!!!!! How do these kids get into the woods without being taught to never, ever, ever, take aim on something unless you have made a positive ID, have a clear shot, and are 100% positive of what they are aiming at, as well as what is behind their target?? It is just very very sad to hear about this story. Man that sucks..