Just heard the news minutes ago that a 16 year old boy accidently shot his buddy in the back thinking he was a turkey. His buddy got out of stand earlier that planed and is now gone. They said the kid is in shock and kept repeating that he thought it was a turkey. They said he had not taken a hunter safety course and ruled it an accident. Man I hate hearing this. When I was a teen I almost had the same fate. I was walking out, looked up and my buddy was drawn on me at 12 yards Ill never forget that feeling, He was sick to his stomach.
Senseless, purely senseless. Now there are two families grieving and the boy that remains will never be the same. What a loss. I cannot fathom the loss of a child and hope I never experience it.
I hate to say it, but at that distance its not an accident, its neglegence. Some of you may recall the story where I was shot with a .30-06 at 20 yards back in 2000. That was also ruled an accident.....a sound shot at 20 yards is no accident. I do feel sorry for the kid who shot his buddy, he'll have to live with it the rest of his life.
Yes, much luckier than this kid. A totally avoidable incident and a young man's life has ended much too soon.
I remember that too Dan. We are so fortunate to still have you with us and I mean that. I've been shot twice and I honestly know they were accidents, luckily neither penetrated my skin. The first was a 30-30 ricochet when someone was sighting in their deer rifles and we were grouse hunting up over the hill. We heard the bullets, went to flee when I took one in the lower back. Knocked me down and left a golfball sized welt. Scared the hell out of me because the pain felt like it went in but it only bounced off my heavy layers. The second was a shotgun blast in the ass and legs while we were rabbit hunting and a squirrel hunter fired at us. He didn't know we were in the corn.
We had a kid in my highschool get his entire leg blown off during a deer drive with his buddy. That sight has stuck with me for years.
WOW...thanks God for your "safety" if you will. This story is just sad, and makes me thank the lord for my gransfather teaching me that killing an animal comes after the identfiy, pick a post etc...some people never have that and shoot at bushes. This past turkey season a man actually killed his own son (8 yrs ) old. Told him to wait while he moved on a flock in a field. The boy decided to follow hid dad after a few minutes and the dad thought a gobbler had snuck in behind, whirld and killed his boy...A damn shame and should be punished, even though no cell would compare to what he will now go through.
I feel sorry for both sides, one for the loss and the other for what they are going to put up with now. I don't understand how you shoot not knowing what you are shooting at? A turkey and a guy look nothing alike, and that's just pure stupidity the boy showed. I dont see how any of this can be classified as an accident?
Very sad news. For the life of me, I can not see how these situations happen. I really can not. How can you shoot at an "animal" prior to actually seeing what it is and know 100% it is what you intent to kill? Some situations of being hit by a ricochet etc, I can at least understand how they happened.
I agree. Most incidents like this are ruled accidents but it's just plain neglegence and ignorance. Same with falling from a treestand because the person refuses to wear a harness. I feel bad for both families...
He should be charged with negligent homicide and sent to prison..........same as anyone else who shoots a human and says they thought they were a game animal. I always want to ask that person......"Where were you aiming?"
Me too! I mean...lets forget the fact that they are blindly shooting into the bushes. How the hell do they know where they're aiming to make a lethal shot? I'm sorry to hear about this tragedy. Happens every year. AND I didn't know some of you have had such close calls. Glad you guys made it.
That is undoubtly a horrific tragedy for the families of those involved. But in these "accidents" each year I just believe the continue to happen. Before entering the military I was a Deputy Sheriff. I could never see justifying this or any other such incident as a accidental shooting. These are all neglegent shootings. Had the people involved in such stories positively ID'd the target before shooting, none of this should ever happen. It seems these people are shooting something on sound. I never even touch my bow just on a sound I hear. I always wait til I know its my intended target first. I wonder if these states require a hunter to attend a saftey course in order to purchase a license. I just dont understand why people have to keep suffering because of tragedies of this nature. I dont mean to sound harsh and uncaring, but I just get really boiled when someone loses their life meaninglessly. It also gives hunters as a whole a bad rep towards those opposed to hunting.
I tried typing a reply about 4 different times....can't even put into words what I'm thinking. So avoidable, and truly sad.
Terrible tradegy and certainly completely avoidable, but I disagree with those who would see the kid in prison. Nothing will bring the other boy back, no need to waste another life. He will carry it with him forever.