Curious what you guys think on this one. This is on one of the properties I have access to in NY as well. I'm 99.9999999% sure the last pic is the same buck, the cameras are only maybe 200 yards apart where these were taken.
I'm going with 2.5 years old and between 100" & 110". Nice body but really long legs so he seems a little young.
Matt, I got 94 just scratching. He's cool looking though. I'd like to look at him again with his velvet off. Still got the cams out?
Yeah, just a few but only in places waaaaaay away from bedding. Primarily setup on food sources, and I've setup a couple of mock scrapes as well on the edge of food sources to take a bit of inventory.
i think you have two different bucks. The bottom bucks' G2's look longer and arent angled as much. I agree with the others on the first one being 2.5 and less than 100".
Looking at this pic, do you guys still think he's 2.5? He's the buck on the right hand side. I've seen him and the buck on the left in the picture side by side now. Most of this board said the guy on the left is at least 3.5, and this guy on the right just dwarfs him completely in body size. Maybe he's a really fat 2.5, but I'm not so sure? He's the buck on the right in this pic: