On the off season I am going to try and learn about scents and when and how to use them any suggestions on good web sites, also rattling I would like to bring into my arsenal Thanks
I'm not to knowledgeable when it comes to scents other than just using scent eliminator and always setting up downwind of the deer, but I did recently watch this episode of Dominant bucks that I thought was helpful with rattling. You might want to check it out. Can watch it on the website. http://www.dominantbucks.com/db1/dominant-bucks-tv-show/72-dominant-bucks-episode-09.html
Feel free to PM your e mail address to me and I'll send you a lengthy document that I've written that should answer most of your questions. It is about 85-90 pages long and covers everything from; stages of the rut and applying various hunting strategies to map reading, calling/rattling deer, bedding areas, and how a older buck thinks differently from a young one...