on this board who doesn't have a particular buck targeted or patterned? Been a tough year so far. Lots of crops still to be harvested, erratic deer movement, scattered trails with not one seemingly used more than others. Lots of scrapes and a few nice rubs but I am not even close to having a big buck patterned this season. Hell, I haven't even shot a doe yet.
I can say I've never had that luxury. I go with my gut and it seems to work more times than not. I would love to be schooled by a particular buck, but I have neither the time nor the resource at this point in my life...which is ok. I still have tons of fun!
I don't have a particular one targeted. There is a buck I've seen twice now that I THINK I'm closing in on. But it sure doesn't have to be him. I'm still learning how to hunt big timber and it ain't easy. I'll take whatever I can get. That will be the first legal buck that offers a shot.
same here....i just hope to see a buck, then learn from it next time, adjusting my stand accordingly, but i dont have a buck i see on a regular basis, dont have that much time to scout..wish i did
i do, but it has been almost a months since i have seen him, so daily i get more and more convinced i wont get him
I dont have a certain one in mind, I have only seen 4 bucks since 10-1. but one of them was a very nice 10 point. and I would love to get a chance at a shot at him!
I always go into the season thinking we have a particular buck patterned but have only closed the deal once in 5 years of using cameras. Most of the time we end up taking bucks that we've never even seen before but it is sure nice to have the motivation of knowing what you have in your woods.
i haven't ever gone after a specific buck. i have no trail cams, i don't sit out off season watching the fields. i look for sign, use what i see during the season, use what my brother sees, and try to get in the best position to harvest a good buck. to many a young 6 or 8 pointer is never an option to shoot, i will. i'm a meat hunter, i want the best buck i can get, but i'm not selective. someday i will try to harvest the best/older/ biggest deer around, but i find alot of satisfaction in filling my freezer each bow and gun season.
I'm not after a particular buck this year, but hopefully I started a new rivalry with a nice 115" 8-pointer that I passed on. If he makes it to next year he might not be so lucky, depending on how much antler he put on.
i have a decent 8 in mind but will prob let him walk.... hoping that a bigger one shows up to challenge him. with that being said i'm really just looking to take a doe this yr. just havent seen the size i'd like on the trail cams this yr... last thing i'll say in the past three yrs go like this: 07'-my 10pt & a 8pt, 08'- buddy shot a 10pt taken. might take a yr to get em back up to the double didget tine status...
Since I just started hunting I can't even speak to patterning or scouting etc... But, I never know where I am going to hunt until I call and reserve a spot for the next day - and who hunted it the day before, or who is near me that same day. I have concluded that I need to find some private land to hunt or I am not going to get a decent deer anytime soon.
The one buck I am puttng quite a bit of time into right now is extremely nocturnal. Its probably gonna take an estrus doe to get him to do anything different.
Sean(Florida Marine), I am hunting from 11-12 to dark tomorrow and Friday. You are more than welcome to join me. I am going out to some decent spots where does and bucks frequent. Our chances should be pretty good. And to be honest with you guys, I am not that good in terms of patterning a single buck. I am slowly getting better and patterning buck movement in general, but not a specific buck. If one can do that, he is doing something special and is one heck of a buck hunter.
I've never been able to target a specific buck. There have been a few that I knew were in the area & if encountered would be shot(this years buck), but I never went after one in particular. And I certainly never was able to "pattern" one.
wish I could...work calls, Thur and Friday - going to get out Sat morning - but have to settle for the morning only - got my USMC B-Day Ball Sat night and have to get to DC early.