Couldn't give two rat farts about NFL football? I couldn't tell you anything about this season and I'm perfectly happy with that. Don't get me wrong, I like football and I like watching it but if I didn't see another down this season, it wouldn't bother me a bit. I prefer to hang out with the little guy or shoot stuff. With that thought… maybe Caleb wouldn't have had a 7 year dry spell if he didn't watch so many Packers games :D
Never cared about watching sports of any kind. Would rather be outdoors. I do miss playing soft ball, broom ball and bowling. I enjoyed that. Tim
I dont have the time or interest to follow sports either. This is the first year in many that I watched more than one game of the World Series. The Super Bowl is the only NFL game I watch each year. Mostly for an excuse to have some fun at a party. Occasionally I will watch an Iowa or Iowa State football game.
Nope, I don't care about watching any sports either. I loved playing baseball, basketball and what little football I played but watching I watch the occasional chiefs game just because and only when I really am just feeling lazy. I've accused sports of being totally corrupt from betting for years anyway...or politically manipulated....or both.
Seems like every time I'd start to get back to watching pro sports, there would be some lockout/strike. I said screw it and haven't bother to follow any of it in 5 years short of a championship game.
I couldn't tell you the last NFL game I watched... Sunday is a good day to hunt, just like Monday. And Tuesday. And Wednesday....
Well If I could get the bigger stuff to walk out in front of me like the littler stuff... I would be killing more stuff. So far I've only killed time out there this year. Maybe I should take up watching sports !! Tim
Last Thanksgiving I had to watch a football game at the son-in-laws with him and his dad as they love sports. Thought I was going to die of boredom. Did get a good nap in though !! Tim
Haven't watched more than a couple downs of an NFL game for several years. Never really cared much for it.
Ahh, the "post-thanksgiving dinner nap", one of the best naps known to man... Only thing that comes close is the mid day nap between hunts!
I pretty much stopped watching a whole lot a few years back when they fined, think it was Warren Sapp, for hitting somebody to hard. Now its about getting to be touch football. Always did like college more anyway.
I was going to say yes I think so, but apparently there are a lot of you lol. I'm addicted to sports I must admit. Football, baseball, basketball (mainly college), lacrosse, golf, hockey. It's in our family.. just like hunting. Has been for generations.
I'll watch and follow some, but not to the extent of most. I rarely if ever watch live games as I spend every minute I can on the weekends outside. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4.
Ill have a game on the TV if I happen to be home, but I couldn't care less. Only sport I have ever really followed at all was motorcross, and I dont even follow that anymore.
I only watch Packer games, and only if I'm not at the Cabin hunting. I would never rearrange my hunting schedule to catch a game.