So ive been looking at all the bows out there from all the major manufactures but i wonder if they have the high price tags because they ARE the major manufactures? No doubt there will be good features on the higher end products but im an average joe with average joe pay and a wife who thinks im a millionaire. Lol. So is it best to go with a flagship bow like mathews, bowtech, bear, etc.. Or can i get the same quality without losing an arm and a leg? This will be for hunting and the occasional trail walk competition. No 3D high end super gizmo tournaments for me. Atleast not right now. Any advice on this? I know ive posted some pretty novice questions but because ive been out of the game for so long its like jumping into a whole new world all over again.
The reason i ask is that i really like the looks and info of the quest torrent and its within my price range. But i didnt know if i should focus on what id call a more common name like mathews or bowtech and get my moneys worth?
In a way, yes, you will be paying for a name. I have never used a quest bow or seen one in person for that matter, but like a lot of archery equipment now a days it will most likely get the job done. If you want a recognized name brand bow you could look into a used one. There are quite a few people who try to sell their previous years model for the "latest and greatest" new model. I bet you could find one for a good deal if you searched around a bit.
To be honest, The last bow I bought I had the cash to buy any bow...well, not the Carbon I ended up with a $650 PSE Revenge. To me, it felt better and shot better than any of the bows I shot, and I shot almost all of them. You can kill deer with any bow. Whether it be a $300 or $900 bow. Just pick which one you like and feels the best to you. Whether it be single cam, dual cam, whatever it may be.
I have to agree with what has been said already, to an extent, you're not just paying for a name but also the crazy high taxes and insurance costs as well as the high pay (comparatively) that the government of this country demands. I totally agree with the above on looking for a used bow, and there are a couple great bow companies that have a full lifetime transferable warranty like athens, elite and I think obsession too and they all make very nice bows.
Thanks guys. This is the info i needed. Ill be hitting up the local shops soon hopefully to see what they got.