I decided this year to keep the trail camera in the closet, and I have not stepped foor on our land since the middle of April. I know things pretty well there, but since it is a urban lease things change alot...like the fact a house now sits on my former honeyhole. I will not go there until opening day, no scouting, no summer glassing...nothing. Now I am every bit as passionate about deer/turkeys as anyone on this planet, and this is killing me...along with my wife threatning to kill me. Do you think I am crazy, or could this be healthy. Duke spoke in a thread on hunting net 2 years ago about doing absolutly nothing with hunting until right before the season, and he is as passionate as anyone...I figured what the heck, why not.
I bowhunt in North MO, and our land is a mostly wooded ridges without any crops. I have a few 1/3 acre food plots and there are crops very near by, but until the acorns start dropping and the pre-rut starts, the bucks don't spend alot of time moving around there. I usually won't even go there to hunt until the last part of October or even the first of November. It absulutely kills me to do that, but I know it will only be detrimental if I do. I think it depends on your area and your set up. For me and my main hunting are in North MO, I just have to wait until the time is right. This is a little different that your situation, but kind of the same principal. Just do what you think will ultimately be the best for your goals as a hunter even though sometimes it almost literally hurts.
I would have to say that you are crazy. You say you know your land, but that it changes. From what i have read from DM, he is hunting leases that are not going to be changing yearly (at least as dramatically as houses being built). If i were you i woudl get back out there!
It has nothing to do with hunting, I just want to let it go for awhile. I am learning balance with a 1 year old running around. I have had 28 plus years to go as I please (and 7 of those had my wife involved), now we have a 13 month old and I cannot get enough of being around her. I know hunting season will take me away, sometimes for days on end. I guess I just want to hold my daughter more than a pruning saw, or tiller and seed right now. I have a beautiful understanding wife, in-laws etc...maybe I am just preparing for the days when recitals, or softball or whatever keeps me from that treestand on Nov 6th when I know they are chasing. I really have no idea guys, but when I leave work, I come home eat, handle the chores, wife, child...go run and go to bed. I use this sight to fix my jones because I do want to get out there so bad. Maybe I answered my own question, and that is I am crazy.LOL
ok, nothing to do with hunting, but ya, you're crazy by most sane peoples standards.... as are most of us... just know you are in good company.... :D
I understand the family concern. We have a two year old so I know what you are talking about. Having said that, whether it is beneficial or not to be there or not, you can't keep me OUT of the woods. I am too damn excited and impatient. That is where I want to be so that is where I am going to be.
your not crazy...your a daddy like me. I have two boys, 4 and 2 yrs old. I love them so much. I spend lots of time with them.. Oct-Dec it's a little less in the afternoons and on Sat, but i see em every night before bed and all day Sun.. during the season. From Jan-Sept Im with em every single day outside of Sat.. that's my day. Who cares what others think? Spend time with her and hunt when you feel like it. Just go to the property a week or two out from the season and pick a few places, it will take only a few hrs on a Sun to do it. I usually don't start actually doing footwork until Sept anyways...You relax and go at your own pace.
it does during the early years... once they grow up a little a little time away isn't so bad... when they are ~1yr new things happen almost daily, you sure don't wanna miss those, but in a few years time will free back up and if you play your cards right you'll have a little huntin buddy!!!! this from a 3x daddy (youngest is 5)
You're not crazy...you're doing what feels right with a youngin' in the house. Same boat here...Have a 5, 3, and 1 year old...the last few years I have all but given up afternoon hunting - takes too much time away in the evening and seems to spoil almost the whole day family-wise. I hunt Saturday mornings and vacation days I hunt mornings, home for lunch with family and rest of day spent outside in the yard. In the next year or two your child will be old enough to enjoy a simple ride to look for deer or quick hiking trips...these are huge for getting them interested. I plan to take my 2 oldest on at least two hunts this year...The day will come when they are beggging me to take them hunting/fishing more...I'll get plenty of hours in then. Enjoy the youngin'...not enough can be said on the importance of having a good Dad!