Easton Full Metal Jacket Arrows!! Carbon core wrapped with aluminum. I have been using them for years and I love them. Best of both worlds! They fly true and hit like a Ton of bricks!
Carbon only aluminum bends! And they are hard to straighten. Carbon breaks and cheap carbon range from Wal-Mart are cheap enough you don't care. PSR
I've been buying the Easton (aluminum wrapped) FMJ for their smaller diameter and I can't believe how well they penetrate. They've been going out the other side of my Block target. They are heavier, which I like as well but others may not.
I like carbon best myself. I've got all kinds of arrows....almost every brand. Easton/Beman is hard to beat. Sent from my XT830C
I currently hunt with Easton or Beman carbons but I would have no issues trying an arrow like the FMJs. As many stated above, the people who shoot them, love them. I've always been a fan of Easton arrows.
For hunting I like Beman ICS Hunter Patriots. They're a good arrow that doesn't cost a fortune, and I don't feel bad if I lose one. For practice and target I love my Victory VAP's. So my preference is for a pure carbon arrow.
I started my archery hunting with aluminum, quickly switched to carbon and have never looked back. Aluminum bends too easy and that just ruins the arrow.