Dubbya you dog you. I cant wait to wing some arrows at those hogs with you in a few days its gonna be a blast.
you seem a bit confused. this post is for Hoyt vs Bowtech. what you want is the pm feature. :D besides, if you want Dubbya, look under the "LOSER" post! :p
Who really cares what others are shooting...It's not about BRAND NAME it's about knowing how to shoot what you have and most people can't even do that. I had to laugh last weekend. We had a guy at our club by a new Mathews thinking it would improve his shooting and he was pretty pissed when he realized he still couldn't hit the broadside of a barn. People and BRAND NAMES...How ignorant! LMAO
Oh, I don't know about that. I think that a bow that is more technologically advanced than an older bow, does shoot better. Not saying that it isn't ulitmately the shooter who controls the bow, but I know that my Bowtech Tribute shoots way better than my 10 yr old Golden Eagle.
shadow man you and your pse. are in big trouble come shootin time besides you know what pse. stands for pretty/ sad /equipment so keep slappin your gums while i keep sinkin them in the ten ring bounced off the ground or not there gonna smoke by your set-up any day broski............see you in the field.................
need i say it again, mathews catch us if you can................ well be waitin for you at the finish line..
Oh brother!, Not another Mathews "catch us if you can" fan. Someday you'll grow up and a big boy bow, Bowtech that is. Like it was said before, Bowtech has not only caught Mathews, but left them in the dust. Mathews is Hoyt's handicap. Raceway, my Golden Eagle from 10 yrs ago, is still a better bow than you Binford 5000# Hoyt.
Did I say that I have a Mathews? It sits in a garbage can waiting for the next carp outing! Now, I shoot BOWTECH. Simply a better bow. I would know, I have had a Mathews Q2, Outback, Switchback & G5 QS31 & Bowtech General, and still have a Bowtech Allegiance and a Admiral. In September I will likely buy a new bow, Destroyer 340. Raceway, I even have a Hoyt!
Hank and the Bowtech Mafia will be Bro-Hugging and singing this song when Hoyt is on top of the podium!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyooALwfxO8
Here is what Raceway & his Hoyt halfwits will be doing after the shoot. you can call me the Bowtech Godfather, Don Tribute!
We all know you as Don One Ring. We at the BBK roll with the x ring or ten spot and never kiss another man, even on the hand. Now get practicing so you aren't shooting like a street thug.