... branch! While scouting and squirrel hunting monday morning after the morning sit, I found a promising area with some real nice tracks coming thru. I decided on sitting in the area that evening. New spot and a tree I never sat in before, usually turns out good. After about an hour or so in this tree I spot some movement and coming down the trail feeding on the acorns is a BB, thats good sign, maybe the rest of the family is coming along as well. I decided not to shoot this guy and said I'll shoot a nice buck if he comes along as the weather was staying too warm that evening. Well not 2 minutes later I look down the trail and here comes another Deer, I'm thinking its the Doe, wrong, it a nice 8 point, most likely a 3 year old judging by its body and rack. I'm watching him for 25 minutes or so just feeding closer and closer. I had him perfect broadside about 20ish yards or so but decided to wait him out to get closer. Well, I got my spot picked out, waiting, all of a sudden a million crows fly into the tree tops screaming and dropping **** all over the place kinda spokking the buck, he starts to skirt me just in side 20 yards, I've got my spot all picked out and I just staring at it concentrating waiting for him to stop. He doesn't, I stop him and still concentrating and staring at the spot, a loose my arrow and it hits a branch about 5 feet in font of me and deflects low hitting just under him! I see the leaves falling to the ground as he trots off. I was bummed but thrilled at the same time. I guess I was a bit too focused on the spot aye'? Thats hunting! :D
Great story. Did you have a shoulda woulda coulda moment afterwords? Seeing 3 year old deer is never a bad thing.
Sounds like a great night. Next time you meet, I wish you better luck. Season's just starting, redemption is sweet.
Man I hate when that happens! At least you missed completely and didn't have him run off with an arrow hanging out his rear end or the like.
Yeah it was a great hunt! Scouting the area that morning, reading the sign and going in and getting a shot off that evening was awesome! I'm letting it settle down and taking my son in there this weekend, I sure hope he gets a shot off, that would make me a happy man!
I hear that, I was very thankful for a clean miss! Like my son told me after I told him what happened, " Dad, maybe it wasn't meant to be". I would love to put Dom on this deer, he's a nice one!
Sounds like a pretty spectacular day in the woods!! Had to be surreal with all the crows and whatnot. I would chalk that up as a succussful hunt! And your son sound like what my dad said i used to be. lol Hope He stays in that mindset. Thats pretty great!
Now you've just got to find another fresh stand and go round #2 with him. Looking back on it I can always say that new stands had good success right out of the gate that faded with time. Must be that I stink.
Rob, I'm going in further up the trail closer to their bedding area, I'm not going in there until I have my son with me this weekend! I can't wait!
Havent had that happen in a long time. About three seasons ago, I was stalking a decent buck, nothing great, and set up on a trail to wait for it. I was squating under a mesquite tree over looking the trail. When the deer came by. I drew and let the arrow go. My arrow did not hit a branch, rather my top limb hit a branch. Man it was loud. Needless to say, the deer didnt stick around long.