Tell me what kind of digits you add up on this guy.... He's on my hit list this year, more for history than for size. We're talking about the bigger deer with split G2's...
I'd say mid to low 130's gross. Not extremely long tines, average mass, and a decent inside spread. Nice looking buck though, good luck with him this season.
Here's my breakdown RMB - 21" G1 - 4" G2 - 8" G3 - 7.75" S1 - 5" Htot - 15.5 LMB - 20.5" G1 - 4.5" G2 - 7.5" G3 - 8" S1 - 4.5" Htot - 15.5" IS - 17 Total - 138.75"
Ours is almost identical except I gave him a touch more tine length on his left side g2 and main beam.. And I gave him 14.5 on his H's per side.
After farmer Bols came down from Illinois (the land of corn) the stuff grows everywhere now! Didn't you know that corn comes from Acorns in Oklahoma?
I can't argue with that :D I think the short and stumpy part is an optical illusion that stems from camera height :D
I have a question about scoring split G'2's. How exactly do you do it? I was scoring a buddies buck and after scoring quite a few deer for friends I never had to score a buck with a split G 2. Thanks.
You find the "point of orgin" of the sticker the same way you would a "g" tine off of the main beam. From the point of orgin measure along the stickers centerline to the tip of the point.