I just got done mowing the plots and have been out an built a few natural blinds already in some real killer spots i found last year. Been gettin some pics on the feeder . and of course shootin my bow.which is a highly tuned instrument of destruction death an mayhem.but i just call it the death hammer!:evil: seriously though what do you guys do to get ready now ?
i call mine Thor, God of Thunder... no wait, that's what the wife calls, er, nevermind.... i'm gettin the new rig wired up tight, early scouting begins shortly...
I hung a couple of stands this weekend, moved the trailcams and put out some mineral licks. Been shooting 3D most weekends as well.
Stands are all but hung. I have one more to go. I just bought a blind and I need to prep a few spots that I know I am gonna use it. Other than that, I am just pounding tacks with the new rig and getting ansy about getting my late oats plots ready.
Scouting public land. I have a stand to move to a different location. Shooting my bow. Making sure I have all the gear I need.
Hanging stands, building my archery workbench so I can actually start moving my equipment into my new house...no shooting yet.
Just come in from plowing a few smaller plots that I will plant some late oats in. Playing farmer, having a ball.
Not much, I've still got plenty of summer to enjoy first. I have started shooting some. And I am getting in shape for my elk hunt. I slacked some in that dept last year and am not going to do that again.
Doing some landscaping around the home-front. Planted a 9' Quaking Aspen today and a few other odds and ends. What has this to do with hunting.. absolutely nothing.. and lovin' it.:d
Hey, he's sleeping and she can't drive yet. That equals me on the get away machine (the wheeler and accs) heading to the land next door. I'll have you know that I made three grocery store trips in the last two days and have a fourth planned tomorrow.
I'm 2000 miles from home so there isn't much I can do at this point. Can't scout. But, I'm looking over maps and last years hunts, started shooting, just got new strings put on with new Goldtip 350's. Watching every huntin' DVD I can get my hands on. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm shooting, reading equipment reviews (climbers and such), and contemplating on where to transplant my turnips.
Just doing a few things....driving around, attempting to get some good game cam photos, working on my bow, shooting, dreamign of Mr. Daddy...the usual
Just put out some mineral licks for the trail cams; Laying out plans for seed and fertilizer and will begin preping new plots the first of August. Shooting 3-D from my deck. Purchased some new filming equipment.
Shooting,But I do that all year anyway. Plots in,Stands hung except a couple new ones that I'll do later as I see how the deer are moving for early season. Im just enjoying the summer . Plenty of time. Im still fishing:d