Exactly the same way for me... I sure wish I could figure out what it was, then maybe I could prevent it!
Probably the same thing Brandon came across but here is what I found with a quick Google search. Click Here This paragraph in particular...
I dont no i was looking and researching for you bro....but i cant find anything other than basic benadryl or over the counter prescriptions, or just dont do it at all....that sucks.. You think maybe it could be deer flies. I read and seen that when bit you get severe allergic reactions from them sometimes. I guess there right..at least your not allergic to women
Unfortunately, it started affecting me last year. I've been allergic to cats for a long time. When I started dating my wife, she had two and I'd never been around cats that much (I've always been a dog person)... After about four times of leaving her apartment with a pussy sac of fluid on the side of my eyeball, she got rid of them. Fortunately it would subside pretty quickly but was extremely bothersome until I got away from them. Last year I noticed the same thing happening after field-dressing my deer... not to the same extent, but I started getting red, itchy eyes and sneezing. I knew what it was right away, though it was the first time i'd had deer affect me like cats had. I've read that it's the saliva that a cat uses to wash himself with that we're actually allergic to; I'm not sure. Could care less really... I just know I've got to stay away from them. But that may help explain why some animals of the same species affect you more than others (e.g., why you're allergic to some deer more than others) ... because they've recently washed/licked themselves all over. This year, I'll be toting the full-length HS gloves and I've got a bunch of packages of field wipes in my pack as well.
So you could treat it like a surgery. Get a face mask that the Doc's wear and use elbow length rubber gloves, lol. That really sucks for you guys. I guess it makes sense though. If one is allergic to dogs/cats, why not deer?
Ya, I am really allergic to cats and some dogs. I can't be around cats at alll! Dogs aren't as bad, but some do make my allergies go crazy.
I went in to get tested for allergies once. I was so hoping I wasn't allergic to animals. Good news. I wasn't allergic to cats or dogs oranimals. Bad news. I was allergic to everything that grows. Grass, trees, weeds, etc. I just load up on prescriptions before the spring and fall and take them every day. No itchy, watery eyes, no asthma (very cool), no runny nose. I take clarinex at night and clarinex-D in the morning. I also have some prescription eye drops (patenol) that, if my eyes do start itching, gets rid of it right away. Might be worth going to an allergist and getting tested to see if they can do anything for you.
Wow, that is a new one to me too. I shot a deer last year that I think was allergic to carbon. He didn't react very well to it. Go TEAM 5!
Dubs, My cousin Tom is allergic to deer dander. He has to "suit up" when he cleans, drags, butchers a deer. His eyes swell, he sneezes constantly. He usually pops a few zyrtecs and that seems to help. He's still pretty excited to get his hands on a buck or doe still, says it's worth it!
That's a tough pill to swallow for an avid hunter. Have you had a doctor do any bloodwork to see if there is something they can perscribe? I can't believe that there isn't a drug out there somewhere that wouldn't help with this. Also, you do know that when Buckeye reads this he's going to accuse you of making excuses, right?
I haven't had any bloodwork done, I guess that's the next step. He can accuse me of making excuses but so far... I'm the only one with points on the board for Team 12 :D I'm pretty sure that's why BuckJunky is going to be with us :D
Dam Dustin, I had no Idea you had that issue. My Brother inlaw has the exact issues to. I have been nominated several time to get his Deer out for him