has got me thinking. When shopping for a shaft to dress out "heavy" with heavier heads and weight tubes etc., does one want to get a stiffer spined arrow than normal or stay the same. Teach me. Thanks.
You want the same spine. You can change the spine of a given arrow by adding/subtracting weight from the front/tail of the arrow.
mobow, which does which? Take weight away and you up the spine? and vice verses? If that is the case and I plan to use a heavier BH, why wouldn't I go with less spine than normal from the start and get back to where I was with the wt up front? I am just curious.
Add weight to the front weakens spine, taking away makes it stiffer. Adding weight to the tail makes it weaker, taking away from the tail makes it stiffer. 25 grains of added broadhead weight doesn't really change the spine much though. A little, sure, but not much. Same for the tail. It depends on how picky you want to be. If you're really close, and just need a little change, that's a good way to do it. But it would take a LOT of weight to change your spine from say a 340 to a 400. You can also change the spine by overall arrow length. Shorter is stiffer.
Ok...so right now I am shooting 22 series(7.3 gr per inch) and like 325 overall....300 spine....they were originally bought for the Commander and 3D, which liked a stiffer arrow. They fly great from the 101, even at 61 lbs. Now, If I wanted to go heavy, like 11 grains per inch arrow heavy, it would still be 300 spine.. So if I added some length, and the 125 head verses the 80 nib on the 22's, I should be in better shape? I hope you can understand that?
Better shape? I dunno, maybe. But, if you went w/ a 125 gr. head, and a longer arrow, you would indeed weaken the spine. But if yer gonna go that heavy...dude, just get some new arrows.