Unbelievable!!!! I would make sure that you start watching Craig's List pronto and keep an eye on e-bay. I would also make sure all local shops have the serial number so that if someone brings it in for work they can nab em.
I read this and it truly makes you hate the people around you but thats not the answer caring about folks and helping the folks you do is what makes you a great person obviously you have a wonderful family and material things can be replaced thank god 4 the things you cant replace and the blessings in your life. its sucks but the most important things are waiting at home 4 you
I really hate to hear that PT. Some people aren't worth shi......... Hope you get your stuff back soon and the thieves get what they deserve
In feb i am gettin a new bow u can have my old one. its a hoyt ultra sport if you want it i will give you the bow quiver sights rest aarows fieldpoints broadheads a bag a safty harness and a release if you want it. i wouldnt know what to do if i couldnt hunt. i would proably hunt them down even though it wrong i would be that mad. i had a friend put my bow in storage cuz the season was out and i almost killed them cuz i thought they was goin to sell it. if you want any of it just let me know. i got a old jacket you could have to. let me know what u need bud
That sucks man, I had all my fishing gear stolen once over $2000 aswell had to start all over it sucks
T, that sucks. Good think you were just about to break out the boom stick. Seriously, I hope it doesn't ruin the memory of the great season you have had so far.
If you do decide to crack some skulls, be sure to video tape it and put it on youtube. Nothin like a preacher beating down some scumbags
Scumbags !!! Sorry to hear about this. It just isn't right. Hopefully they screw up and you are able to get some of your things back. Tim
Sorry PT, that really is a bummer. I dont even know what to say. People stealing things infuriates me. And even more so when the insurance we buy doesnt cover it.
Tony I know that if I were to send you something that it won't be there until your season is done, but if there is a list of things you are trying to collect until the next season please post it up. I am a little far away to be of immediate help to anyone but still can try. I am always upgrading everything I have so I usually have some good extras laying around if I haven't given them away yet. If you want a octane stabalizer in Hardwoods gray I will send it your way. It was on my old bow which I sold for some good money to some guy who didn't need a stab so I kept it. I won't be getting another Hardwoods gray bow again so it's all yours. Just pm me your shipping address. Also if you want a tree saw I have a cheap one that worked good on my deer but isn't the best quality. I'm going to buy me a new one soon here so I can send that your way as well. I also have a spare truball assasin release that started to get stuck on me after only owning it for a month. I lost the receipt for it so I can't exchange it. You can have it if you want to try to oil it or see whats wrong with it. It's around $80 new. I am just going to stick to my cheap release that works good for me. Depending on your size I have some fleece camo cloths that might work for your new skinny self as well.
Guys ... thank you for being a sounding board to me .. I can tell you how much I appreciate it! My family has cried alot the last few hours about our favorite dog who has a disease and probably wont make it ... this news after finding out about the theft ... But God always turns things around and blesses..... you people are very special .... I know this is the internet, but this place is different .. this site's founder and members are one of a kind .... thank you for all your offers ..... I have already been checking Craigs list and will be contacting shops tomorrow to watch out for the bow ..... it's a long shot .... if not, I believe The Lord has provided .... May God Bless you all
Just a quick tip. Using a site like this is an easier way to search Craigs list. you can do mile radius. http://www.searchtempest.com/ Good luck. Offer on the bow still stands.
This really stinks, PT. I just went outside and got everything out of my vehicle. Wishing you and your family well during this rough time.
Sorry to here about the big loss of your gear, and about the family dog. The sad thing is the thieves who do this have no concern for the personal value of the items they stole, only the quick cash value they can convert to drug money or the like. Again, sorry for your loss.
Tony, I know you are against accepting anything from us but there is always the PM feature my friend. BTW the vest's I talked about are HSS vests
You have to be kidding me! People are freaking scum. Very sorry to hear that Tony. Open invitation to head my way if you want to get out and clear your head and do some hunting. Bows, clothing, accessories, treestands, etc... whatever you would need I have extra of. Just let me know you're not that far away.