Drove up to the food plot yesterday, looks horrible weed infested clover. Pulled the stands and sticks and the trail cameras. Kinda sad in a way the new people do not hunt.
remember the nastiest looking weeds deer love to eat. plus deer can't survive on one plant species. little bit of everything might keep the deer in there for longer periods of time. i wouldn't completely give up on it just yet.
Yeah but the new era will not be bad, just different hunting farm bucks is going to be fun. Tell you what the grocery store in town does sticks and brats and sausage so well I might just be a brown it's down kinda guy.
I'm sure it's pretty bitter-sweet. Relieved all the packing and moving is done and that weight is off your shoulders. But a bit of regret to walk away from it knowing you'll never make another memory on it. There will be lots of new memories made on the lake though, it looks absolutely beautiful and peaceful from your pictures. Except for the damn chipmunks of course.
Oh those chipmunks have been culled for now, and where I will be hunting will be where my grandson lives. That will be better than the ranch.
Thanks I appreciate it will defiantly be a different experience but in a couple years when the grandson is mobile it is going to be more rewarding than anything else.