There is an invention somewhere on the horizon to make all day sits more comfortable for saddle hunters. What can we come up with that could make us billions??
I do all day sits pretty regular in the Big woods in my saddle. The trick is to use the platform of your choice, and a seperate ring of steps 6 inches above the platform. I use one step on each side of the platform and one directly behind. It gives you so many more options to sit/lean and find a comfortable position for a half hour.
Intravenous ibuprofen, heating pad for your back, and a virtual reality headset to simulate big bucks chasing during slow times.
Rod White (former Olympic archer and guy who kills lots of big bucks) uses one of the Lone Wolf Custom Gear .5 platforms to saddle hunt from, and then he has a seat to sit on and take a break a couple times per day on those all-day sits. It's not a terrible idea to be honest. A Predator XL platform is 4 lbs. The Trophyline Mission platform is 5.4 lbs. The LWCG .5 stand is 5.7 lbs. So weight-wise, you're not far off.
I don’t have a saddle so I have no idea what it takes , but for all day sits could something like this be used? I know saddle hunting is more for mobility and light weight hunting but if you knew you were in for all day this could be something to try.
The LWCG stuff is certainly not cheap, but considering you only need one that should hopefully last you the rest of your life, it's not a terrible investment. I think I'm done with all-day sits for this year, but I do believe I'll try one in a saddle next year. I finally have my tether height/bridge length figured out to keep me comfortable so I think I can do it. My biggest mistake has been putting my tether too high. Now that I've moved it down to armpit/neck height and shortened my bridge a few inches, I'm a lot more comfortable.
I got that exact stand about a month ago and have been hunting with it and my saddle. It's a very easy compromise for a hybrid system. I've been running my saddle and Helo for the last 2 seasons. But I decided to splurge and get the .5 and its a amazing stand. I have no problem doing a all day sit in just it. It's hard to explain why it's comfortable. It feels the same size as Helo, even though it's much smaller and about 3.5 lbs lighter. Highly recommend trying one Justin. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
For your style of hunting, think you would really benefit from it. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk