I am a fan of all day sits in Nov, sometimes the end of Oct. I always take the first full week & half off in Nov and will end up doing 8-10 all day sits. It is a grind and it will wear you out, but more often than not, So worth it. The older I get the more it bothers my back than anything. Your basically in a stand, in a bed or somewhere in between for days. In my opinion, if you want to put your tag on a big buck, all day sits are mandatory.
I'm on day 4. Saw a BIG 8 this morning chasing a doe. He did not come close enough so here I sit still.
Sat dark to dark yesterday….not my best day for deer movement….saw a doe a little after 5 then two small bucks bumping a doe around right at dusk.. it still wasn’t a bad way to spend the day! A friend of mine a few hours away had movement all day…. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Planning on this coming Monday, 11/7 as my first all-day sit. I'm going to steal one of those sandwich bins from my kid's lunchbox so my PBJ stays nice and fluffy. And I'm trying to decide which flavor of coffee creamer to use. The only issue is the ENE wind we're going to have isn't ideal, so I'm planning on hanging a new set tomorrow in the rain and 50 mph winds. Let's hope I survive.
It’s trying to cool down next week. Hopefully you will see more action than what this week held. Good luck!
did an all dayer yesterday ... wore me out, did see two bucks, no shots however .... these all dayers get tougher as I get older (64) ... on Sunday (5 hour morning sit), I had 5 different bucks come by, all with in 35 yds, one I'd have killed (120ish), but he turned at the last moment and went into some thick crap and was gone .. (was at different location than the all dayer, cause of the wind) ... not hunting today, have to vote, and take a cat to the vet .. I'll be back out Tomorrow.. no more all dayers (this season at least) .. Thursday a high of 74-76 !! (**** !) this weather dosnt cool till Fri. ... unfortunately Gun opens on Sat. .. next week it will be COLD ... 1 week to late damn it and my vacations will be over..
I hunted out of the saddle yesterday and just can't bring myself to do an all-dayer quite yet. I sat from 5:30 - 10:30 in the morning, then got out for a work conference call and some lunch. Headed back in around 1:00, got set up by 1:30, and sat until dark. In total, I had about 9 hours in the saddle yesterday, which is a new one-day best for me. If I have the right tree, I think I can pull off an all-day sit. I did see 3 bucks between 1 and 2 yesterday and have had multiple mid-day trail cam photos of bucks out cruising lately. I also had a small buck cruise by me around noon as I was sitting in my truck on the phone. If you can be in the woods all day, now is the time to do it.
9th 10th and 11th, best 3 days. Getting a buck early was nice but I miss the chase already. No response to calling?
killed this guy this morning, details are in the live hunt thread ... I'm done for a few weeks till gun season ends, then I'll try for a Doe ..
Congrats! That’s the way to get-r-done. I have seen a few bucks flat running down does the last 2 day’s.
I was really looking forward to sitting on the 11th-Veterans Day with the first true cold front coming thru ... years back a buddy and myself both killed bucks on 11-11 on private we hunted then .. I'm always a happy camper when I kill a nice buck on Public land ... Hunted 12 days so far, seen 11 bucks and only 2 does .. whats up with lack of Does ?? .. it was the same last season and the season before and the season before that... I heard it from others, very low Doe sightings on the place ... but when the rut kicks in and the bucks are moving, I see more Bucks than does... this is State/public land/woods/marshes, some crop fields ... the DNR plants some 'food plots', but I never see deer in 'em during day light hours ... the place is 8000-9000 acres ... they take about 100-150 deer off the place yearly, a few are true monsters .. come Sat. (opening gun) they'll be 150-200+ gun guys on the place, maybe more and the die hard bow hunters usually then stay in the Bow only area ... when Gun opens every thing goes into hiding ... I try to avoid opening day Gun there unless I'm still trying for a buck, I'll go into the Bow only area and stay put.. this buck was taken from one of the other outer areas open to gun/bow and small game/bunny guys ..
Exactly this! 8-10 for me. Mostly starting first of November. Sometimes a few days early, just depends. A lot of my best bucks came between 11 and 1 during this time. Aside from all days I'm doing 3 hours morning and 3 hours afternoon everyday. It can drive a man insane. Definitely know about it at the end of hunting season. I can barely move for a week.
Heading in for my 3rd all day sit tomorrow. If I'm walking a mile and a half I'm not coming out til after dark. The wind is good where I can get in undetected and hopefully those does will bed back deep in the marsh due to pressure.
Seeing any action in your last 2 days. I’m starting to see most deer coming out at almost dark. We had 1 1/2 of snow here which seemed to put a halt to the deer I was seeing. I’m thinking they will feed heavy tonight and then get back to looking for does.
I wasn't able to hunt this weekend. Hope some bucks are still on the move. I've only seen 1 4pt and one great buck so far in Nov. Yeah...it's been that bad.